  • 學位論文


A Study Of Using GPS Tracks Information For Home Care Services Billing System

指導教授 : 陳志明


目前台灣社會老人人口占總人口超過11%,是全球老化最快的國家之一,高齡社會中,老人是非常重要的社會議題。隨著人口快速老化、疾病型態轉移、醫療品質提升,需長期居家照顧人口劇增,家庭照顧負擔加重,如何讓執行居家照護之機構能便利的指派、紀錄、計費以及做後續服務品質之追蹤是目前管理居家服務機構最亟需協助之問題。   本論文研究架構為探討應用人力媒合平台、照顧服務費用計算及服務品質之探討,機構透過此人力媒合平台,讓需要照顧需求者更快速配對到服務提供者進行照顧服務,並藉由人力派遣平台發送派遣工作給照顧服務員,而派遣工作之進行則利用可攜帶式GPS紀錄器於到宅照顧服務員工作期間進行GPS軌跡的紀錄,透過蒐集這些軌跡信號進行分析並藉由Google Map服務將個案之地址與GPS座標互相轉換,讓資訊系統可以輕易的取得照顧員執行照護之資訊,結合停留個案時間及路徑移動紀錄分析,可以便利的將照護每位個案之時間及路徑進行統計,將不可竄改之GPS紀錄作為政府給付機構以及機構給付照服員有效之依據,提供一個全新居家照顧人力調派機制,提高整體照顧服務之品質,以造福銀髮組長輩和諧幸福居家之靜養環境。


Taiwan society for the elderly over 11% of the total population, is one of the fastest aging countries in the world, an aging society, the elderly are very important social issue. With rapid population aging, disease patterns shift, medical quality improvement, population growth requires long-term home care, family care burden, how to make home care agencies can facilitate the implementation of the assignment, records, billing and service quality to follow tracking is currently managing the home help service providers of the most urgent problems.   This paper explores the platform of human resource matching mechanism. Agency through this platform, the people who need home care, more rapid pairing can find the service providers. Caregiver resources matching platform by sending home care information to caregivers, Caregiver carry a portable GPS logger during home care. Caregiver attendants work in the period to record the GPS tracks. Collect those trace log to analyze and using Google Map service will case address with the GPS coordinates of each conversion that information systems can easily obtain caregivers’ caring information, the analysis of combined with the time and the moving path and stay at the elder’s home records, can be a convenient time and care path for statistics. The GPS track cannot be tampered, as the agency can accord that to calculate caregivers’ fee. This article design to provide a novel caregiver resource dispatch system, improve the overall quality of care services, harmonious and happy home resting environment for the elderly.


