  • 學位論文

大學生個體旅遊主觀幸福感認知 對旅遊行為之影響

The Influence of Cognition of College Students’ Subjective Well-being on Tourism Behavior

指導教授 : 杜光玉


幸福感是一種情緒,受到個體認知(cognition)控制系統的影響。陸洛於1998年曾提出主觀幸福感之概念架構,其中,個體的「認知評判」為其中一個重要的影響因素。本研究從理性認知之「計畫行為理論」觀點出發,探討大學生個體旅遊主觀幸福感認知對旅遊行為之影響。以臺灣中部某科技大學之學生52名為研究對象,採取便利抽樣,進行質性訪談,研究發現(1) 個性外向者參與旅遊會更容易感到幸福。(2) 當個體透過Facebook分享旅遊行為,並獲得他人一致的價值觀時,更加會感到主觀幸福感。(3) 當個體規畫旅遊行程,依照計畫達成預期目標,個體因有成就感而更加感到主觀幸福感。(4) 個體透過參與旅遊來轉換情緒、消除壓力,個體因情緒轉換後更加會感到主觀幸福。(5) 個體參與旅遊之後,可以提高生活滿意度。


Subjective well-being (SWB) is an emotion, which is influenced by an individual’s cognitive control system. In 1998, scholar Luo Lu put forward a famous conceptual framework for subjective well-being, in which cognitive judgment is an important factor that affects the subjective well-being. This study, based on Theory of Planned Behavior, conducts interviews, a qualitative method, to research into how college students’ cognition of subjective well-being influences their tourism behaviors. The study subjects were 52 college students at certain university of technology and science in middle Taiwan. Convenience sampling was used to choose subjects who participated in qualitative interviews in this study. The study found that (1) Outgoing individuals are more likely to be happy when participating in the tour. (2) When the individuals share travel behaviors through Facebook, and receive the same values from others, it is easier for them to feel more subjective well-being. (3) When the individuals plan travel itinerary and achieve the desired goal in accordance with the plan, they will feel more subjective well-being because of the sense of accomplishment. (4)When individuals change the mood or eliminate the pressure through the participation of tourism activities, they will feel more subjective well-being after the conversion of emotion. (5) When individuals participate in tourism activities, they can improve their life satisfaction.


