  • 學位論文


A Study on the Selection Model of English E-textbooks for Taichung Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 呂欽武


隨著網際網路與像智慧型手機、平板電腦、個人數位助理等這類行動化裝置的快速普及,數位出版業刮起一陣電子書(e-Book)風潮;再加上教育部與國科會推動「資訊融入教學ICT計畫」將互動式電子白板(Interactive White Board)引進校園中;且由於這類的資訊教學設備愈趨完善且價格愈趨低廉,國內的教科書出版業者於是積極投入研發「電子教科書(e-textbook)」。但由於目前國內電子教科書種類繁多,功能、操作介面與內容編排風格各異,為維持教學品質,教師選用教材應有嚴謹的評選標準,所以提供教師一個客觀且具系統性的評選模式,乃至關重要。本研究目的在於發展一套適用於國小英語科教師用電子教科書的評選架構與指標權重,並調查台中市國小英語教師對英語科電子教科書的滿意度,最後針對滿意度問卷受試者背景變項於滿意度上有顯著差異的評選項目進行探討及提出建議。評選指標架構乃基於國內外相關研究文獻而建立,評選指標權重則是透過發放AHP專家問卷計算而得,領域專家為13位台中市教學經驗豐富的英語輔導員。滿意度問卷發放對象為台中市各區共200位國小英語教師,利用獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析兩項統計檢定工具,針對受試者不同之背景變項對各項指標滿意度進行檢定。本研究期望提供未來國小英語教師或學校評選英語科電子教科書時一套系統化的依據,並供國內國小英語科電子教科書出版商未來在內容編輯與提供服務之參考。本研究結果發現,國小英語教師用電子教科書評選模式中以系統品質最為重要。而國小英語教師對目前教科書出版商所提供之電子教科書有中等以上之滿意度,並以對「視覺設計」此項電子教科書特性滿意度最高,而「搜尋」與「社群網站」則需要教科書出版商的關注與加強。


With the increasing popularity of internet and mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, and personal digital assistants (PDAs), there has been a trend toward e-books in the digital publishing industry. Moreover, the Taiwanese Ministry of Education and National Science Council promoted a project to integrate information and communications technology (ICT) into teaching, which introduced interactive whiteboards to the campus. Since this type of high-tech teaching equipment has increasingly improved and been less expensive, Taiwanese textbook publishers are actively involved in the development of e-textbooks. Consequently, there are a wide variety of e-textbooks available in Taiwan, and those e-textbooks vary in function, operational interface, and style of content layouts. To maintain teaching quality, teachers should select teaching materials based on a rigorous selection standard. Therefore, it is critical to provide teachers with an objective and systematic selection model. This study aims to develop a framework that includes weightings for criteria suitable for elementary English teachers in selecting e-textbooks, and to investigate the satisfaction of elementary English teachers in Taichung with English e-textbooks. Lastly, the researcher discusses the relative importance of textbook selection criteria for teachers with different backgrounds, and offers publishers relevant suggestions. The framework for the selection index developed in this study was created based on Taiwanese and international research. The weights of the selection criteria were obtained by calculating the results of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) expert questionnaires. Domain experts included 13 experienced English advisors from Taichung. A questionnaire for measuring satisfaction was sent to 200 elementary English teachers from various districts of Taichung. An independent sample T test and one-way ANOVA were used to verify the satisfaction of the subjects with different background towards each criterion. This study attempts to provide elementary English teachers and schools with a systematic set of criteria for selecting English e-textbooks in the future. Furthermore, the results of the study can be used as a reference for Taiwanese English e-textbook publishers in editing contents and offering service. The results are as follows: (1) The quality of the system is the most important criterion for elementary English teachers in selecting e-textbooks; (2) the elementary English teachers investigated report moderate to high satisfaction with the e-textbooks provided by current textbook publishers; (3) they are particularly satisfied with the visual design feature of e-textbooks; (4) textbook publishers need to improve the search and social networking features.




