  • 學位論文

危老條例實施台灣加權股價報酬及台幣升值對台灣上市建設公司股價報酬與風險之 不對稱傳遞—應用GJR-GARCH-M Model

The Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings Taiwan’s Weighted Share Price Compensation and the Appreciation of the Taiwan Dollar Affect the Asymmetric Transmission of the Share Price Compensation and Risk of Listed Construction Companies in Taiwan - Application of GJR-GARCH-M Model

指導教授 : 劉凱平 許鎦響




This research uses the GJR-GARCH-M estimation model from January 3, 2017 to March 11, 2021, with a total of 1,021 pieces of day information attained from the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ). In the Phillips-Perron unit root test, in agreement with Research Hypothesis 1, the returns of all research variables are stationary variables. The ARCH empirical evidence establishes that all data gathered from the studies of the appreciation of the new Taiwan dollar, the returns of Taiwan stocks, and the daily returns of the stock price index of Taiwan's listed construction companies, except for Sun Yad Construction Company(R1316), are in line with Research Hypothesis 3. The GJR-GARCH-M estimation results also reveal the evidence of significant asymmetry effects.


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