  • 學位論文


Compulsory auction of real estate–Discussion on the Auction Procedure and Priority Right of Buying the Common Land

指導教授 : 黃承啟


債權人為實現債權,取得執行名義後,透過法院強制執行程序,以國家公權力強制債務人履行私法上之義務,對債務人之財產加以執行,藉以實現債權人之債權,可見強制執行之重要性,又因執行標的物之不同,執行程序亦不相同,不外乎查封、扣押、換價、滿足、分配及強制管理等,而其中不動產強制執行程序中有關優先承買權之問題,因現行法律規範未臻完善,屢屢產生爭議。 近年來,臺灣高等法院暨所屬法院之法律座談會所提案之法律問題,涉及優先承買權及變價分割共有土地之拍賣程序問題者,屢屢在執行實務上產生爭議,自有予以合併研究之實益。本文擬就不動產優先承買權、變價分割共有土地之拍賣程序與一般金錢債權之共有物拍賣程序予以分析討論,並就拍賣程序發生競合時應如何處理,變價分割優先承買權如何行使始為宜,提出探討,研究其解決分法,並提出修法建議。


In order to realize the creditor’s rights, after obtaining the right of enforcement, the creditor uses the court’s enforcement procedures to force the debtor to perform his obligations under law with the public power of the state and enforce the debtor’s property so as to realize the creditor’s rights. This shows the importance of enforcement procedures. The execution subject is different, and the execution procedure is also different. The execution procedure of real estate include attachment, seizures, exchanges, satisfy creditor, allocation of fund and compulsory management. Among the execution procedure, the issue of the right of priority in the compulsory execution of real estate is not fully legislated.So it makes isuues. In recent years, the legal issues proposed by the legal forums of the Taiwan High Court and it’s affiliated courts.Which is involved the issue of preferential purchase rights and the auction procedures in exchange for money because of land division, have repeatedly caused disputes in the implementation of the auction procedure, and have the benefits in the merger studying. This article intends to analyze and discuss the auction procedures of the real estate preferential purchase right and the common land at variable price division and the common property auction procedure of general monetary creditor’s rights, and how to deal with the auction process when there is a competition and how to exercise the preferential purchase right of variable price division.


一、 書籍
1. 王澤鑑,民法總則,新版3刷,新學林,2014年9月。
2. 司法院,法院辦理民事執行實務參考手冊,2019年12月。
3. 李淑明,民法總則,9版1刷,元照,2017年3月。
4. 吳光陸,強制執行法,修訂3版,2015年9月。
