  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationship between B&B Tourists' Recreation Involvement, Destination Image, Positive Affect and Place Attachment

指導教授 : 林永森 黃文雄


台灣自從2001年實施週休二日之後,加上交通部觀光局積極推動廣觀光事業,旅遊住宿的需求量大增,進而加速了民宿產業的發展,遊客對住宿的選擇也從大飯店、觀光旅館或商務旅館轉向具有人文氣息和在地文化特色的民宿,旅行融入家庭、結交朋友。因此,本研究希冀藉由探討民宿遊客對於選擇住宿民宿的心理相關變項:遊憩涉入、目的地意象、正向情感、場所依附之模式,進而提供民宿業者在經營行銷策略參考。本研究以Google電子問卷於網路社交平台-Facebook、Line、Instagram中,以個別訊息進行問卷填答邀約或於群組內進行問卷發放,以及藉由網路社交好友進行網路問卷連結轉發,蒐集問卷;問卷設計先以「是否曾有造訪民宿經驗」篩選排除非民宿遊客後,再進行其他問項填答,總共回收612份問卷。經文獻回顧與相關理論提出研究假設,運用所收集之資料檢驗本研究假設。研究結果顯示: 一、本次調查之民宿遊客之社經背景變項;性別部分以「女性」居多,年齡以介於「41~50歲」為主,婚姻狀況以「已婚-有小孩」居多,職業則以「工/商/農/林/漁/牧業」為大多數,教育程度以「大學畢業」居多,平均月收入則在「20,001~40,000元」者為大多數,遊客之居住地點以來自「中部」居多,造訪民宿次數以「2~3次」居多,大部分以「家人」為旅遊同伴,旅遊天數以「兩天(含)以下」為主,旅遊參與方式大多選擇「自助旅行」,民宿一人一天平均花費在「1,501~3,000元」者居多。 二、不同「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「教育程度」、「居住地」、「造訪民宿次數」、「旅遊天數」的平均數差異檢定,在「遊憩涉入」、「目的地意象」、「正向情感」及「場所依附」上,有不同的顯著差異性。 三、「遊憩涉入」對「目的地意象」有直接正向影響。「遊憩涉入」對「場所依附」有直接正向影響。「遊憩涉入」對「正向情感」具有直接正向影響。「目的地意象」對「場所依附」具有直接正向影響。「正向情感」對「場所依附」具有直接正向影響。「目的地意象」對「正向情感」具有直接正向影響。 四、「目的地意象」在「遊憩涉入」與「場所依附」之間具有中介效果。「目的地意象」與「正向情感」在「遊憩涉入」與「場所依附」之間具有中介效果。「正向情感」在「遊憩涉入」與「場所依附」之間具有中介效果。「正向情感」在「目的地意象」與「場所依附」之間亦具有中介效果。最後,提出民宿業者管理意涵與未來研究方向之建議參考。


Since 2001 Taiwannese government implemented a two-day weekend policy. The Tourism Bureau, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has actively promoted the tourism industry. The demand for tourist accommodation has increased greatly. Which has accelerated the development of the B&B industry. Tourists’ options for accommodation changed from large hotels, tourist and busines hotels to privately owned B&B with local cultural characteristics and hospitality of the host which provides a more family oriented atmosphere. Therefore, this study hopes to explore the psychological related variables of B&B tourists when choosing a B&B accommodation which includes recreational involvement, destination image, positive affect, and place attachment models, and then provide B&B operators with a reference for business marketing strategies. In this study, datas were collected through questionnaires created by Google electronic. The invitation to answer the questionnaire was distributed by online social platforms such as Facebook, Line, and Instagram. Then through online social media groups, indivdual friends and accquaintances a questionnaire link was forwarded. The questionnaire was designed to filter out non-B&B tourists based on "Have you ever stayed at a B&B ", and then other questions were answered. A total of 612 questionnaires were collected. After literature review and related theories, the research hypothesis is proposed, and the data collected is used to test the research hypothesis. research shows: 1. Changes in the economic background of the guesthouse tourists in this survey; the gender part is mostly female, the age is mainly between 41-50 years old, the marital status is mostly married-with children, and the occupation Industry/Commerce/ Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Livestock is the majority, the education level is mostly University graduate, and the average monthly income is NT$20,001~40,000 as the majority. Tourists live mostly in Central part of Taiwan, the number of visits to B&B is mostly 2~3 times, most of them are family as travel companions, the number of travel days is mainly two days or less, and mostly independent travellers. The average cost per person per day in the B&B is around NT$1,501~3,000 . 2. The T-test for difference between means according to differences with Age, Marital Status, Education Level, Place of Residence, Number of Visits to B&Bs and Number of Traveling Days. There are significant differences in the average number of Recreational Involvement and Destination image, positive affect and place attachment. 3. Recreational involvement has a direct and positive impact on the destination image. Recreational involvement has a direct positive impact on "place attachment". "Recreational involvement" has a direct positive impact on "positive emotions." "Destination image" has a direct positive influence on "place attachment". "Positive affect" has a direct positive influence on "place attachment". "Destination image" has a direct positive effect on "positive affect". 4. "Destination image" has an intermediary effect between "recreational involvement" and "place attachment". "Destination image" and "positive emotion" have an intermediary effect between "recreational involvement" and "place attachment". "Positive emotion" has an intermediary effect between "recreational involvement" and "place attachment". "Positive emotion" also has an intermediary effect between "destination image" and "place attachment". Finally, it puts forward suggestions for the management implications of B&B industry and future research directions.


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