  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Business Upgrade Targeting on the Taiwanese OEM Companies in China

指導教授 : 李陳國


台商企業的外部影響因素包括「市場變化、政府與政策、價值鏈環境和集群環境」,內部影響因素包括「企業家精神」、企業關鍵資源和企業關鍵能力。台商企業的升級路徑可以系統性劃分為基於品牌建立的「從OEM到ODM再到OBM的多種方式組合」、「從OBM到國家、世界標準」;基於代工升級的「從OEM到ODM、EMS、DMS」;其他路徑的「形成新產品、新服務、新市場」、「反向OEM」等。台商企業升級的效果可以通過「價值鏈地位的提升」、「企業關鍵資源能力、動態能力的提升」、「社會績效的改善」三方面來衡量。 台商企業升級的內外部影響因素、升級路徑和升級效果之間不是孤立存在的,台商企業的升級呈現出一個持續性動態的演化過程:內外部影響因素作用於企業升級路徑,升級路徑選擇影響企業的升級效果,升級效果又將反作用於影響因素,從而影響整個後續過程乃至企業的下一次升級。


加工貿易 OEM 企業轉型升級


Taiwanese businesses overseas are sensitive to the influence of several internal and external factors; the external factors include changes in the market, government policies, value chain environment, and clustering environment, and the internal factors include “entrepreneurship”, key corporate resources, and key corporate competence. In general, a business can systematically plan to upgrade through several paths: “OEM to ODM and then a combination of several types of OBM”, “from OBM to national or international standards”, “from OEM to ODM, EMS, or DMS”, “forming new products, services, or markets”, or “reverse OEM”. And the effect of business upgrades can be measured through three dimensions: “upgrade of the business’s status in the value chain”, “upgrade of the business’s key resource and dynamic competence”, and “improvement in social performance”. The internal/external factors, upgrade paths, and upgrade effects do not exist in isolation from one another. In the case of Taiwanese businesses overseas, upgrades are a continuous and dynamic process of evolution. The internal/external factors affect a business’s choice of upgrade paths, the choice of upgrade paths affect the results of the upgrade, and the results of the upgrade reversely affect the internal/external factors, which then affect the whole upgrade process thereafter until the next upgrade is launched in the business.


processing and trade OEM business upgrade


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2. 李陳國(2004):地主國外資優惠政策之研究。中華大學科技管理研究所來出版博士論文。
3. 李陳國(2011):兩岸經貿專題上課講義。自編。
4. 周佩萱(1993):試析我國中小企業轉型困境,台灣經濟月刊,72期,1993年8月9-14頁。
