  • 學位論文


Exploring social network service continuance intention from perception and problem perspectives

指導教授 : 林甘敏




In Taiwan, there are ten million users usage Facebook everyday. As the development of technology, the competition of social network services is more and more serious.. In the past most people used Myspace but now the users are getting lesser and lesser. Therefore, how to let users continue using the social network service has become the focus of everyone. As the social network service users increase, the problems are augmented. The purpose of this research is to explore the key factors that affect users to continue using the websites. This results not only can help people find out the problems of the social network service, but also provide the improvement reference for managers of the websites and educational institutions. This study adopts the method of questionnaire survey. The research target is 555 undergraduates of majored computer information in the central part of Taiwan. The research adopts Structural Equation Modeling to analyze data. The results indicate that the most important critical factor of continuance intention is usage behavior. The effect factors of usage behavior include (1) fatigue (2) awareness of misconception in law (3) information security awareness (4) privacy awareness. Furthermore, this results show that users have misconception in law and need to enhance the instruction of the information security and privacy.


1. 朱正一 & 王英輝(民92)。基層護理人員工作滿意度,組織承諾與組織公民行為研究-以 lisrel 模式分析: 弘光研討會論文。
2. 江靜玲(民100年6月15日)。 臉書退燒?美百萬人走英10萬人撤。中時電子報。取自http://www.chinatimes.com/
3. 吳建忠(民100)。資訊倫理與資訊安全認知之關聯性研究-以嘉義市政府警察局為例(碩士論文)。國立中正大學,嘉義縣。
4. 吳倩萍(民95)。 政府機關個人資訊安全認知與行為之探討(碩士論文)。國立臺北大學,新北市。
