  • 學位論文


A Discussion of Non-Set Pledge and Non-Enforcement for the R.O.C. Trade Secrets

指導教授 : 曾勝珍


隨著世界經濟局勢的變動,知識經濟深化是全球趨勢,促使產業與國家對智慧財產權保護觀念提升。相較於企業的有形資產之外,如智慧財產權一般之無形資產亦逐漸扮演重要角色,甚至已成為企業成功之關鍵要點,不可無視其存在。 我國智慧財產權領域如專利、商標、著作權等,均明文規定可藉由本身價值設定質權並可成為強制執行標的。惟我國營業秘密部分,雖亦屬智慧財產權領域中之一環,卻無法如前者般等同視之。立法者認為營業秘密無法如同其他智慧財產權設質與成為執行標的在於營業秘密本身特性「秘密性」,一經揭露將致其秘密性喪失,故而於我國營業秘密法第8條明文禁止,惟此舉將失去市場流通或資產強制換價之機制。 本文擬先探討營業秘密本質與內涵,進而討論民法上質權概念與種類,於設質程序中透過健全加強當事人之保密義務與完善鑑價制度下,營業秘密應可成為質權標的。又強制執行程序因財產種類不同,執行程序各異。而當營業秘密可成為執行標的時,將視其性質討論應適用何種強制執行程序,以求查封、換價、滿足。並在執行過程中適時加入保密措施,亦可增加營業秘密於強制執行之可行性。 最後提出本文建議,建請立法者修法同意允許營業秘密設質及成為強制執行標的,並刪除現行營業秘密法第8條禁止規定,回歸適用民法質權與強制執行法等規定,並藉由適宜之行政管理公示制度導入、加強營業秘密保密機制以及強制執行法訂立專章、專屬條文或增修應行注意事項等,以供參酌。


With the changes in the world economic situation, the deepening of the knowledge economy is a global trend, prompting the industry and the state to enhance the concept of intellectual property rights protection. In addition to the tangible assets of enterprises, intangible assets such as intellectual property rights have gradually played an important role, and have even become a key point of business success, and must not ignore its existence. In the field of domestic intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc., there are laws that stipulate the pledge of its own value and can become the subject of enforcement. However, although domestic trade secrets are also one of the areas of intellectual property rights, they cannot be treated as if they were the rights of the former. Legislators believe that trade secrets cannot be set as pledges and become the subject of enforcement as other intellectual property rights. They are characterized by the "secret nature" of trade secrets. If they are revealed, they will lose their secrecy. Therefore, Article 8 of the Trade Secrets Act is expressly stipulated. Prohibited, but this is a mechanism that will lose market circulation or mandatory price changes. This paper intends to first discuss the nature and connotation of trade secrets, and then discuss the concept and types of pledge rights in civil law. Under the pledge process, through the perfection of the confidentiality obligations of the parties and the improvement of the pricing system, the trade secrets should become the subject of pledge. The enforcement procedure is different depending on the type of property. When trade secrets can become the subject of enforcement, the enforcement procedures should be discussed in accordance with their nature to achieve seizure, auction, and liquidation. And in the process of implementation, timely addition of confidential measures, can also increase the viability of trade secrets in enforcement. Finally, this paper puts forward opinions, suggesting that the legislators modify the law to agree to the trade secrets can set the pledge and can become the subject of enforcement, and delete the provisions of Article 8 of the current Trade Secrets Act, and return to the applicable civil law pledge and Compulsory Enforcement Act, and through the introduction of appropriate administrative management publicity system, the establishment of confidentiality mechanism of trade secrets and Compulsory Enforcement Act to establish a special chapter, exclusive provisions or additional considerations should be noted for reference.


3.司法院民事廳,法院辦理民事執行實務參考手冊(編修版), 2007年6月8日印行,台灣士林地方法院民事執行處,2015年8月編修。
