  • 學位論文


Love and efforts behind:Values of introducing eco-system managementinto self-funder redevelopment zone

指導教授 : 陳仁龍


市地重劃可分為公辦市地重劃及自辦市地重劃,皆須依據已發佈之都市計畫的主要計畫為準則來擬定細部計畫,惟自辦市地重劃在擬定細部計畫時,較有彈性,開發單位可參考原土地所有權人之意見來主導規劃,因此筆者才有幸在參與台中市單元十二自辦市地重劃區時,不斷抱以『讓利』之心,在思考如何將環境生態的觀念導入市地重劃作為中時,以生態都市理念做為主要整體設計規劃,儘可能的保留當地環境紋理與生態,使原有重要景觀元素及文化資產的保留能融合水岸綠帶,為社區注入新的生命、價值與契機,並努力尋出『價值』與『價格』的關係鏈結,創造出政府、地主,以及開發商「三贏」的開發效果。 本研究以台中市單元十二自辦市地重劃區為研究主體,探討環境生態導入自辦重劃區之意義與價值,並採文獻分析法、田野調查法及專家訪談法等方法蒐整資料並完成問卷設計,於2016年1月3日起至2016年2月29日止,共計二個月的時間,採非隨機抽樣中的便利抽樣法對期間內於重劃區內活動的民眾進行抽樣 ,共計發放300份問卷,回收277份,經篩選扣除填寫不完整之無效問卷8份,有效問卷共計269份,經分析並佐以紮根理論實務獲致以下結論: 一、將環境生態觀念導入自辦市地重劃確有其劃時代的意義與價值。 二、對生態環境的保留與尊重,只要是工程施工前規劃得宜,重劃的時程與目的不相違背。 三、吸引原住戶在居地遭破壞、重劃後仍選擇定居此處的最大原因在彼等對土地所生的情感及開發者對重劃案的用心。 四、凡能顧及環境生態觀念且有積極作為之重劃區均將大幅增加土地的價值,而土地價值的肯定又將是帶動土地價格上揚的主要原因。 五、一個願將環境生態觀念納入重劃規劃、對環境生態多一些關注與用心的團隊是值得信賴與推薦的。


Urban land redevelopment can be divided into two types - government-fund and self-fund; both need to follow regulator’s principles of urban plan to work out the details of the projects. The only difference is that self-fund redevelopment has more flexibilities in planning, that is to say, the original land owner’s opinion could be heard when planning. The author is honored to take part in the project of Unit 12 self-funded urban land redevelopment in Taichung, while planning and implementing, profit was no more the ultimate goal but introducing the concept of environmental ecology into urban land redevelopment. To build a eco-friendly city is the core value of the whole design. It could be seen from the design that the environment and conservation are considered as well as the original landscape and cultural assets are well preserved, which we believe will bring the community a whole new life with value and opportunities - it is an “all-win” situation among the government, the landlords, and the developers. This research is to take Unit 12 self-funded urban land redevelopment in Taichung as the study case, discussing the meanings and value of introducing the concept of environmental ecology into self-funded redevelopment projects. The study employs documentary analysis, field research and expert interviews to collect information and design the questionnaire. It takes two months to collect data by using convenience sampling method, 300 questionnaires are distributed to people in the redevelopment zone between January 3, 2016 and February 29, 2016, 277 responses are collected but 8 are incomplete so classified as invalid; through a total of 269 valid questionnaires accompanied by analysis and grounded theory practice, the following conclusions have come out: I. Introducing the concept of environment ecology into self-funded urban redevelopment is a great innovation with rich content and of epoch making significance. II. If well planned, the time and efforts put into conserving the environment do not interfere the timeline and purpose of the redevelopment project. III. The strong emotional bond to the land is the main reason why the original residents still choose to settle down in the area after redevelopment and that also means redeveloper’s good will is being recognized. IV. Proactive involvement in eco-balance of a redevelopment project will highly increase the value of the land and further result in pushing up the price. V. A team who plans redevelopment from and ecological perspective and concerns about the environment is reliable and worth recommended.


