  • 學位論文


A Strategic Study of Experiential Marketing For Hui-Lai Gu-Kwan Spa Hotel

指導教授 : 陳仁龍


擁有得天獨厚地理環境的台灣,近十餘年來觀光休閒產業蓬勃發展,溫泉資源,不僅提供民眾豐富的泡湯經驗,更成為許多觀光地區的主要行銷特點。在體驗經濟趨勢之下,遊客渴望的消費體驗不僅是物質本身,更尋求過程中獨一無二的體驗感受,故近年溫泉產業的經營型態較以往更為多元;眾多業者皆以創造一次有價值的消費體驗為目標,企圖透過策略體驗模組(SEMs)的設計來傳遞令遊客愉悅滿意的消費經驗。 本研究以惠來谷關溫泉會館為例,採用質性研究方法中的田野調查(Field Research)、及深度訪談(Depth interview)等二個方法,透過親至當地的調查、深入訪談和書面資料的蒐集,另根據專家深度訪談結果,歸納並設計問卷,針對於會館內活動消費的遊客為對象,採非隨機抽樣中的便利抽樣法進行抽樣,共計發放200份問卷,採個別方式進行填答,最後回收194份問卷,回收率為97.0%,復經篩選扣除填寫不完整之無效問卷11份,有效問卷共計183份,有效回收率91.5%,藉此得以探討谷關溫泉及業者的經營特色、惠來谷關溫泉會館體驗行銷策略之良窳,最後利用SWOT分析溫泉會館發展體驗行銷之優劣勢,並為體驗行銷的行銷策略尋求新的商業利基點。 根據實證分析結果發現,多數溫泉旅館對於體驗行銷的表現完善且頗具創意性;為因應劇烈的環境競爭,業者常採聯合行銷、共同管理的方式以求競爭能力之提升;另,建立企業品牌特色,強化關聯體驗亦屬至要。唯體驗行銷事後階段中-「與顧客建立長久關係」方面,似較缺乏高度可行性的策略與手法。 因此本研究建議,溫泉旅館業者除了能夠依據不同的體驗階段持續創造完美體驗以外,在維繫顧客長久關係方面,亦需積極建置更多可行的策略性方案,並有效執行之。


Due to the special geography and various natural resources, the tourism industry has been flourishing in Taiwan for the past few decades. Hot spring, the precious natural gift, not only gives people unforgettable experience but also becomes highlights in many tourist spots. Under the influence of the Experience Economy, tourists now are expecting something beyond material from the consumption, like an unique experience and feelings. Hence, the business model for hot spring hotels becomes more diverse, many are targeting at providing a remarkable and satisfying experience to customers through the design of SEMs. In this study, we take Hui-Lai Gu-Kwan Hotel as an example, and we use Field research method and Depth interview to investigate the characters of Gu-Kwan hot spring and to analyze the Gu-Kwan hot spring hotel. SWOT analysis is also used for hotel Experiential Marketing to find new opportunities for the marketing strategy. It is found that most of the hotels have suitable and creative Experience Marketing. Furthermore, marketing collaboration is often adopted by many hotel owners in order to be more competitive, and the last but not the least, branding is also an important issue. We also conclude that at different stages, hotel owners should continuously create and provide perfect experience to customers; in addition, effective strategies to maintain long term customer relationship are also needed.


03、曾光華、陳貞吟 (2002),體驗價值行銷之特性與應用,第一屆服務業行銷管理學術研討會論文集。
