  • 學位論文


An Innovative Marketing Model of Leisure Wineries

指導教授 : 范振德


休閒酒莊面對 COVID-19 疫情肆虐,產業經營困難,損失慘重;亟待探尋創新管理應變策略以謀求經營轉型,轉虧為盈。本研究因應疫情之衝擊,綜整次級資料分析法及半結構式深度訪談法研究工具訪談休閒酒莊經營者,並做諮詢專家之三角交叉檢定研究信效度,以紮根理論授權之 Atlas.ti 分析軟體進行見實編碼、開放性編碼及主軸性編碼蒐集有關休閒酒莊營銷策略之關鍵語彙與經營策略。最後分別以詮釋結構模式(ISM),層級分析法(AHP)及局部灰關聯度(LGRA)分析得到休閒酒莊營銷策略之詮釋結構模式、評估準則及休閒酒莊之營銷模式。本研究結果可以做為休閒酒莊未來因應流行傳染性疾病及創新營銷模式之經營參考。


創新管理 紮根理論 ISM AHP LGRA


Leisure wineries face the impacts of COVID-19 epidemic, the industry operation is difficult, and the losses are heavy. It is urgent to explore innovative management contingency strategies to seek business transformation and turn losses into profits. In response to the impact of the epidemic, this study adopted methods of the secondary data analysis and the semi-structured in-depth interview to collect the key vocabularies of the marketing strategy of the leisure wineries, and then uses the software of Atlas.ti which authorized by the grounded theory to carry out vivo coding,open coding and axial coding. Finally, the marketing strategy, evaluation criteria and marketing model of leisure winery are analyzed by means of Interpretive Structure Model (ISM), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Local Grey Relational Analysis (LGRA) respectively. The results of this study could be referenced by leisure wineries to respond to epidemic infectious diseases and innovative marketing models in the future.


Innovative management Grounded theory ISM AHP LGRA


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