  • 學位論文


The Study of Electronic Word-of-Mouth,Conformity,Perceived Value and Group-Purchasing Intention

指導教授 : 李宗愷


在目前消費者追求經濟實惠的購物模式下,因應而生的就是團購的風潮。團購不僅可以購買到低價商品,更可以節省運送商品的費用。團體之間的購買行為,確實容易令人有消費的衝動性,而這也是心理學中所提到的從眾行為,這樣的從眾行為與團購間也存在著密切的關係。由於消費者在購買決策過程中的自主性提升,不再是被動的接收商品的訊息,反而是主動搜尋或參考網友們的使用經驗,所以商品的網路口碑已漸漸被消費者當作購買此商品的參考指標。除了上述因素,在消費者購物時知覺價值也是所考量的重要因素之一,它為所購得之商品在顧客心中是否值得購買,亦即消費者的知覺價值。本研究希望結合口碑與從眾行為因素,探討消費者知覺價值、購買意願之間的關係,並進一步探討知覺價值對於口碑與從眾行為與購買意願之中介效果。研究設計採問卷調查便利抽樣法,研究對象為有團購經驗的消費者,共發出260份問卷,回收250份問卷,扣除無效問卷33份,有效問卷217份,有效回收率為86.8%%,並以SPSS 17.0套裝軟體作為資料分析工具。 本研究結果發現,網路口碑搜尋態度與從眾行為(資訊性、規範性影響)會正向顯著影響知覺價值;而知覺價值對團購意願有正向顯著影響;知覺價值在網路口碑搜尋態度與團購意願間具有完全中介效果;知覺價值在從眾行為(資訊性、規範性影響)與團購意願間具有完全中介效果。最後,本研究提出相關管理意涵與建議,以及研究限制與後續研究建議。


Under current consumption mode which consumers were pursuing more economical shopping patterns, there was a consequent wave of group purchasing emerging. The purchasing pattern of the group purchasing was indeed easy to stimulate consumers to impulse buying, that was the ‘’Conformity Behavior’’ mentioned in psychology, which has a close relation with the group purchasing. As the rise in decision-making power of consumers during their purchasing decision-making progress, consumers are no longer receiving the information of merchandise passively, but actively searching for the experience sharing from the internet and taking it as reference. In hence, consumers have gradually regarded the reputation of merchandise on the Internet as a purchasing reference. Except the above factors, while consumers are purchasing, the perceived value was also considered one of important factors, that the merchandise value in customers’ mind if worth to buy, that was called “Customer Perceived Value”. Therefore this study aims to clarify the relationship among electronic word of mouth, Conformity behavior, customer perceived value and group-purchasing intention, and further investigate the mediator effect of perceived value on eWOM, conformity and group purchasing intention. The results of this study found that electronic word of mouth and conformity(informational、normative influence) has positive significant impact on perceived value; perceived value has positive significant impact on group-purchasing Intention ;perceived value quality mediates the effects between electronic word of mouth search attitude and group-purchasing intention; perceived value quality mediates the effects between Conformity behavior (informational, normative influence) and group purchasing intention. Based on the research findings, the managerial implications, limitation of this study, and suggestion for future research are provided.


資策會產業情報研究所MIC(民99): 台灣網友較常使用的線上購物方式。
林德國譯(民90),Emanuel Rosen 原著:口碑行銷。台北市:遠流文化事業。


