  • 學位論文


Visitors’ Crowding Perception in a Festival --- A Case Study of the Yilan International Children's Folklore & Folkgame Festival

指導教授 : 林妏嬪


大部分擁擠知覺之研究都以戶外遊憩區為主,針對節慶活動遊客擁擠知覺方面的研究較少。雖然節慶活動之特性不同於一般遊憩活動,但擁擠知覺之構念與理論仍被認為有助於解釋節慶活動之體驗的品質。因此,本研究之目的是以宜蘭童玩節為研究個案,分析不同屬性背景的遊客對節慶活動之擁擠知覺是否有差異,以及探討相關因子在節慶活動中對擁擠知覺之影響。並希望藉此研究結果,提供給童玩節經營及管理方面之參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究調查,研究對象為參與童玩節之遊客,問卷內容分成密度所引發的刺激、期望與實際遭遇人數之落差、擁擠知覺與遊客基本資料等四部分,總計回收有效問卷289 份。由差異性分析結果得知,女性較覺得周遭人很多;年長的遊客對於密度所引發的刺激以及擁擠知覺感受較強烈;已婚有小孩的遊客,可能因為過多的人潮使其無法顧及小孩,而對密度的刺激感受高於未婚以及已婚無子女之遊客;到訪次數較多次的遊客對部份密度所引發的刺激感受較強烈,可能因為有過往的經驗,所以對於復辦的童玩節有著較高期望。由迴歸分析發現,密度所引發的刺激(分為空間刺激與設施刺激)以及期望與實際遭遇人數之落差會對遊客之擁擠知覺有顯著正向影響,其中又以空間刺激影響最大。


Most of the researches in visitors’ crowding perception have been focused on outdoor recreation areas, and only a few tackle the issue in a festival setting. Although the participants of a festival have different characteristics than the visitors to outdoor recreation areas, the theories of perceived crowding may also apply to define the quality of a festival experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze whether there are significant differences among visitors in crowding perception, and to explore the influence of related factors on perceived crowding in a festival. It used the Yilan International Children's Folklore & Folkgame Festival as a case study, hoping the results of this study can provide some operational suggestions for the festival management. The study was conducted by using questionnaire survey. The content of questionnaire included four parts: the questions about density-induced stimulus, the discrepancy between the expected and the perceived number of encounters, the perceived crowding, and the basic demographic questions. 289 valid questionnaires were collected. The analysis of variance showed that: women agreed more that there were many people around; elderly visitors had stronger perception in part of density-induced stimulus and perceived crowding; married-with-children visitors had stronger perception in part of density-induced stimulus than the unmarried and married-with-no-children visitors. The frequent visitors had stronger perception in part of density-induced stimulus. The result of regression analysis showed that the density-induced stimulus (divided into space and facilities stimulus) and the discrepancy between the expected and the perceived number of encounters had a significant positive impact on tourists perceived crowding, and the space stimulus played the most important role.


Festival perceived crowding


