  • 學位論文


A Discussion on Legal Issues Related to Emerging Technology and Information Protection

指導教授 : 曾勝珍


近年來網際網路基礎建設日趨完善,用戶在信號所到之處快速搜尋、下載所需資訊,誤認是自己行動裝置的執行功能,而忽視其實是藉由「雲端運算」(Cloud Computing)強大的運算能力,將人們所需要的資料改以服務形式整合應用,經由網際網路直接取得。雲端運算是近期具有前瞻性、代表性的新興科技,推動並加速資訊新興科技的興起,如:「大數據」(Big Data)、「行動商務」(Mobile Commerce)等科技。 在看似美好的科技產物將引領群眾走向便捷、舒適的明日時,其後亦伴隨著潛藏的「資訊安全」危機。如:用戶無法確保資料置於雲端業者伺服器內,是否會遭到竊取、遺失或植入惡意程式?將對商業機密及個人隱私造成極大傷害。雲端運算服務所涉及的法律議題相當廣泛 ,包含隱私權、個人資料保密、資料管轄權、契 約 、智 慧 財產權與營業秘 密等議題。 本文以雲端運算等新興科技,歸納說明其間互動性、貢獻性和影響性,但群眾在享受其便利性時,無形中亦付出部分的代價,而發生觸犯法規並進而引發「資訊安全」的法律議題,由於所侵犯個人權益眾多,本文探討之法律議題則著重於人民因此而遭受侵害的隱私權益方面。


In recent years, internet infrastructure has become increasingly perfect, users in the signal wherever they quickly search, download the required information, misconception is the executive function of your mobile device, and ignore the fact that "cloud computing" is a powerful computing power, The people need to change the information required to integrate the application of the form, directly through the internet, cloud computing is a recent forward-looking, representative of the emerging technology, Promote and accelerate the rise of information technology Such as "big data", "mobile business" and other technologies. In the seemingly beautiful technology products will lead the masses to a convenient, comfortable tomorrow, followed by a hidden "information security" crisis。Such as: users can not ensure that data is placed in the cloud industry server, Will it be stolen, lost or implanted with malicious programs, will cause great harm to business secrets and personal privacy, cloud computing services are covered by a wide range of legal issues, Including privacy, confidentiality of personal data, data jurisdiction, contract, intellectual property rights and trade secrets and other issues, This article to cloud computing and other emerging technologies, To summarize the interaction, contribution and influence, But the masses enjoy their convenience, Virtually also pay part of the price, And a legal issue that violates the law and triggers "information security", Due to numerous violations of personal rights, The legal issues discussed in this paper focus on the privacy rights that people suffer.


1.王澤鑑,侵權行為法(1)三民書局,2000年 9月。
