  • 學位論文


Research on License of Copyright in Taiwan─Focus on Judicial Practices

指導教授 : 陳介山


著作財産權乃法律上賦予著作人取得具有排他性之專屬權利,使著作人能在排除他人競爭之前提下獲取經濟上之利益,如他人未經其同意而於法律禁止之情形下違法使用其著作,得予以禁止並請求損害賠償。然而,因現行社會事務繁雜、分工細密,著作人單獨行使其著作財產權未必是效益最高者,如著作人雖有創作能力,但如缺乏行銷或推廣所需之資金、經營及行銷能力,同一著作可發揮經濟價值之空間,與委託具有充分資金,經營及行銷能力者對比,即相對減少。 是故,著作權法即規範著作人可透過授權制度,將利用著作之權利授權他人實施,著作人並可依該授權契約取得一定金額之權利金作為報酬,取得授權人則可利用著作從事經濟活動,除賺取利潤外,更可達到著作權法第1條所定之「調和社會公共利益,促進國家文化發展」目的,在現今著作發展迅速的現代,著作權授權制度之良劣與否,攸關著作能否合法流通甚鉅,著作能否以合法,迅速之方式流通,即影響一國之文化及科技之發展。 本文先行以著作權相關之國際公約介紹「著作權授權制度」之發展起源,再以目前我國著作權法之著作利用授權方式加以分類探討後,就現今我國法院有關著作權授權之相關案例進行分析,最後就我國在著作權法制上對於著作權授權規範,嘗試提出研究見解。


The property rights of the work are legally granted to the author to obtain exclusive rights, so that the author can obtain economic benefits before excluding others from competition, such as illegal use of his work without the consent of the law, you must ban and request damages. However, due to the complexity of the current social affairs and the fine division of labor, it is not necessarily the most effective for the author to exercise his property rights alone. For example, if the author has creative ability, but lacks the funds, operation and marketing ability required for marketing or promotion. The same work can play a space of economic value, compared with those who have sufficient funds, business and marketing capabilities, that is, relatively reduced. Therefore, the copyright law means that the author can authorize others through the authorization system, and the author can obtain a certain amount of royalties as compensation in accordance with the authorization contract, and the authorized person can use the work to engage in economic activities. In addition to earning profits, it can also achieve the purpose of "harmonizing the public interest of the society and promoting the development of the country's culture" as defined in Article 1 of the Copyright Law. In today's modern development of the book, the copyright authorization system is good or bad, and it is a good work. Whether legal circulation is huge, whether books can be circulated in a legal and rapid manner affects the development of culture and technology in a country. This article first introduces the development origin of the "copyright authorization system" under the international conventions related to copyright. After the classification and discussion of the current copyright law of Taiwan, Analysis of relevant cases of copyright authorization in Taiwan courts today, Finally, on the copyright law in Taiwan, we try to put forward research opinions on the authorization of copyright.


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2. 林洲富,著作權法—案例式,五南圖書出版股份有限公司,初版,2008年10月。
3. 章忠信,著作權法逐條釋義,五南圖書出版股份有限公司,四版,2017年8月。
