  • 學位論文


A Study on the Sign system of Library from the Viewpoint of Universal Design - A case Study at National Library of Public Information

指導教授 : 符逸群


隨著人類文明的進步,越來越擁擠的都市建築,而產生複雜的空間與環境,使得我們在尋找目標的困難度增加,進而發生迷路的現象。在各項公共設施中,每個年齡層都會前往的地方之一就是圖書館,因此本研究以國立公共資訊圖書館為例,應用通用設計的基本原則,進行館內尋路過程標示系統的探討,以了解使用者於館內的尋路情境,以及容易發生尋路問題的原因,並提供改善尋路問題與標示系統規劃設計之建議。 本研究主要透過使用後評估和實地實驗研究法觀察受測者在圖書館空間中的尋路過程,進而分析、結論和建議。首先田野調查研究基地內空間配置、垂直動線系統與標示系統的現況;接著進行尋路情境實驗任務,尋路任務主要依樓層區域設計不同分成六項,每位受測者接受指定要前往的區域和要尋找的書籍,每個任務分配給不同年齡層、特殊需求和親子同行者等等,並都有二位來進行實驗。尋路實驗由館內大廳的閘口開始,受測者需依照研究員給予的任務,一項一項的前往執行,最後以回到起始點作為結束尋路實驗;在過程中,研究員跟隨受測者後方以數位攝影機與行為註記圖進行紀錄與觀察,實驗後,研究員以訪談問卷的方式回顧受測者尋路過程,了解實驗中發生的相關問題,最後完成尋路情境實驗。 研究結果以通用設計原則分析,結論發現大多數的圖書館館員普遍不足,民眾都需要依靠標示系統尋找目的地、書籍和使用設備,而且公共空間的族群非常廣,標示系統卻無法充分適用於所有族群,未來在設計標示系統時,應多參考公平性使用、彈性使用、簡單易懂、資訊簡明、容許錯誤、節省體力和適當的尺寸與空間等七大通用設計原則,更能親近於社會大眾。


With the progress of human civilization, increasingly crowded urban construction, and produce complex space and the environment, so we have to find the target of increasing difficulty, and then lost the phenomenon occurs. Among the public facilities in each age will go to one place is a library, so this study to National Library of Public Information, for example, application of the basic principles of universal design, to explore the museum pathfinding process marking system to find its way to the museum context, and to understand the reasons users prone pathfinding issues, and provide recommendations for improvement pathfinding issues of system design and labeled. This study observed through field research method experiment subjects were pathfinding process in the library space, and then the analysis, conclusions and recommendations. Fieldwork research base in the first space allocation, the status of the vertical moving line system and labeling system; followed by a pathfinding situation experimental tasks, pathfinding main task according to floor area is divided into six different designs, each subject's acceptance of the specified below to area and are looking for books, each task is assigned to different ages, special needs and paternity companions, etc., and have two to experiment. Wayfinding experiment starting from the gate of the museum hall, subjects were required in accordance with the mandate given by researchers, one by one traveled execution, and finally to return to the starting point as the end wayfinding experiment; in the process, the researchers followed the subjects who rear camera with digital annotation graphs and behavior records and observation, experiment, researchers interview questionnaire way to review the subject's pathfinding process, understand the problems related experiments, finally completed wayfinding scenarios experiments.


Universal Design Sign System Wayfinding


中川聰(2008),Universal Design通用設計的法則-從人性出發的設計學,博碩文化。
