  • 學位論文


Using the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain the Consumers' Behavioral Intentions Using Apps to Purchase E-tickets for Professional Baseball League Games

指導教授 : 朱曉萍
共同指導教授 : 張瑞元(Ruei-Yuan Chang)


隨著網路消費的興起,使用應用程式APP購買電子票券的人們越來越多。為了探討消費者使用應用程式(APP)行為意向,本研究結合計畫行為理論及科技接受模型探討影響消費者使用應用程式(APP)購買職業棒球賽事電子票券的因素,以解構式計畫行為理論來探討探討消費者使用應用程式(APP)購買職業棒球賽事電子票券行為意向。本研究受試者採用問卷調查法,並以便利取樣為抽樣方法,共蒐集有效問卷270份。本研究採用SPSS 25與Smart PLS 4.0兩套統計軟體來分析結果。研究顯示,模型中態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對於行為意向的影響均達正向顯著,又以知覺行為控制影響效果最為明顯。另外,認知有用性與相容性對於態度達正向顯著影響,以相容性最為明顯。主群體與次群體對主觀規範具有顯著且正相關影響,其中又以主群體影響效果最大。自我效能與便利性對於消費者使用APP購買職棒電子票券的知覺行為控制有正向顯著影響,其中以便利性影響效果最高。本研究建議可提供球團作為未來APP的介面創新的依據,或是開發新APP的後續研究參考。


The rise of online shopping, more and more people use APPs to purchase e-tickets. Following the theory of planned behavior and the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study aimed to determine the effect of attitudes, subjective norms, and control behavior to explain the consumers' behavioral intentions using apps to purchase e-tickets for professional baseball league games. The questionnaire method was used with 270 questionnaires being distributed via the convenience sampling process. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 and SmartPLS 4.0. The findings show a positive and significant influence of personal attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control on behavioral intention, in which perceived behavioural control is the most significant. The findings revealed that cognitive usefulness and compatibility all had a positive and significant effect on attitudes, in which compatibility is the most significant. The findings revealed that main group and the subgroup all had a positive and significant effect on subjective norms, in which main group is the most significant. The findings revealed that self-efficacy and convenience all had a positive and significant effect on perceived behavioural control, in which convenience is the most significant. This research has strong implications for marketers. It can help them develop more effective marketing programs to explain the consumers' behavioral intentions using apps to purchase e-tickets for professional baseball league games.


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