  • 學位論文


Children’s Health Analysis of Transnational Marriage

指導教授 : 何淑熙


婚姻一直是人類完成傳宗接代任務的一項儀式,而在台灣社會越來越富庶的同時,有越來越多的跨國婚姻相應而生,由然已形成一個新的社會現象。而子女的健康與母親關聯密切。因此,在跨國婚姻制度下子女的健康議題更是值得關心。 本研究主要探討台灣地區跨國婚姻制度下,外籍妻子、本國丈夫與家戶因素等對子女健康的影響。研究方法主要以橫斷面資料來評估跨國婚姻制度下,台灣子女的健康情形。資料來自於「2008年外籍與大陸配偶生活需求調查」中的12,952外籍新娘為觀察主體。以多元邏輯斯模型檢驗外籍配偶、本國丈夫與家計因素等對其子女健康的影響。 研究資料顯示母親的年齡與健康,對子女的健康產生顯著的影響。其中,父親不論在年齡、個人健康情況、教育程度、就業情形等對子女健康狀況,都具顯著性。另外,未與祖父母同住與家戶所得低者,子女健康顯著較差。但該兩變數只對「患病或傷殘,但不影響日常生活」者出現顯著影響;對「重度病患,需要長期照顧或發展遲緩」者缺乏顯著性。 外籍配偶、本國丈夫與家戶因素等對子女健康有顯著的影響。換言之,社會經濟地位與子女健康息息相關,此結論將有助於未來福利機構在協助維護跨國婚姻中其子女健康時的參考依據。


Marriage has been a spiritual of procreation. Transnational marriage has been a new social phenomenon as the income has increased gradually in Taiwan. Furthermore, children’s health is strongly associated with mother’s health. Thus, the issue of children’s health is worth to concern among transnational marriage. This study is to explore the influence on children’s health among foreign spouse, native husband and characteristics of household. This study was conducted by cross-sectional data to examine children’s health among transnational marriage in Taiwan. The observation takes place mainly on 12,952 foreign brides from 2008 Survey of Foreign and Mainland Chinese Spouses’ Living Demand. In addition, this study was conducted by logistic multiple model to evaluate the influence on children’s health among foreign spouse, native husband as well as household income. The study showed that mother’s age and health have positive influence on children’s health. Father has positive influence on all aspects of factors. Besides, children’s health is worse when those who don’t live with father/mother in law and from lower household income. However, these two variables have positive on “no good but can act by oneself” but for “poor heath, need families support long-term or developmental delay”. Foreign spouse, native husband and characteristics of household are positive influence on children’s health. In other words, social economic status is relevant to children’s health. Findings will contribute to the future welfare agencies to assist in maintaining the health of their children among the transnational marriage.


