  • 學位論文


The Learning Effects by Applying Team Game Tournament (TGT) of Cooperative Learning Methods in Mathematical Area of the First Graders

指導教授 : 呂欽武


本研究計畫的目的是在探討合作學習(TGT法),對於國小一年級學童在數 學領域加減法運算的學習的影響,研究其能否提高數學學習興趣,數學學習成就和降低數學學習焦慮。以及探究學生性別、學生智力商數、家長教育程度是否影響學生的數學學習興趣、數學學習成就、以及數學學習焦慮。 研究採準實驗研究法,以台中市神岡區一所鄉村學校,選取教師教學年資相近的一年級兩個班級,一班為實驗組,實施「合作學習TGT法」,由研究者擔任教學,一班為對照組,實施「一般傳統教學方法」,由該班導師為教學者,進行為期八週之數學合作學習教學。成效觀測為量化方式、實施所得資料,採成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定來分析,研究結果有以下八點: 1. 合作學習TGT法未能顯著提升學生的「數學學習興趣」。 2. 合作學習TGT法未能顯著提高學生的「數學學習成就」。 3. 合作學習TGT法未能顯著降低學生的「數學學習焦慮」。 4. 學生性別、智力商數高低、家長教育程度高低對數學學習興趣皆無顯著影響。 5. 學生性別、家長教育程度高低對數學學習成就無顯著影響。 6. 學生智力商數較高對數學學習成就有較理想的成績。 7. 學生性別、家長教育程度高低對數學學習焦慮無顯著影響。 8. 學生智力商數較高能顯著降低數學學習焦慮。


This study aims to discuss the effect of Team-Game-Tournament (TGT) on first-grade elementary student in the field of mathematics plus-minus method. To investigate if the TGT law could enhance the student’s interests and achievements toward mathematics, or reduce the anxiety in mathematics study. We also study the influence of student’s gender and Intelligence Quotient (IQ), and parent’s levels of education on mathematics interests, achievements, and anxiety. This study was conducted by using quasi-experiments and took place in an elementary school around in Taichung Sheng-Gang area. We chose two first –grade classes which have teachers with similar backgrounds. One class as experience group, which was taught by the researcher using Team-Game-Tournament (TGT). The other class is control group, which was taught by original teacher using traditional education. This experiment focused on mathematical education and took eight weeks in total. In terms of data analysis, the results come from quantitative analysis with data collected from the questionnaires which were filled in by respondents in experimental group and control group. Statistically, both Compared T-test and Student’s T-test were applied in this research to figure out the key findings. There are 8 key findings as below: 1. The learning interests toward Mathematics of students in experimental group and control group are not different significantly. TGT can’t successfully increase students’ interests in Mathematics. 2. The achievement in Mathematics of students in experimental group and control group are not different significantly. TGT can’t increase students’ achievement in Mathematics successfully. 3. The learning anxiety about Mathematics of students in experimental group and control group are not different significantly. TGT can’t decrease students’ learning anxiety about Mathematics successfully. 4. There is no significant difference in learning interests toward Mathematics between gender, different intelligence quotient and education level of their parents. 5. There is no significant difference in achievement in Mathematics between gender and different education level of their parents. 6. There is significantly positive relationship between achievement in Mathematics and students’ intelligence quotient. 7. There is no significant difference in learning anxiety about Mathematics between gender and different education level of their parents. 8. There is significantly negative relationship between learning anxiety about Mathematics and students’ Intelligence Quotient.


王金國 (2002)。讓小組動起來,國教輔導,42(1),38-42。


