  • 學位論文


Literature review and kinetic parameters studies of the grape anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway

指導教授 : 吳家樂


本研究以現有各大生物資訊資料庫所提供的資料與工具,蒐集相關資訊來探討影響葡萄花青素合成的物理、化學因素及調控因子。並且利用序列同源性之關係,歸納及預測參與此生化反應的酵素Km值,提供植物細胞模擬花青素合成進階研究之基礎。 此研究以KEGG 資料庫提供的花青素合成之生化路徑為架構,參考NCBI、BRENDA、SABIO-RK 等資料庫,來建立相關研究資料,呈現具體、系列化的資訊,建立完整表格,可提供實驗室對花青素複雜的代謝途徑更進階之研究,或許可以應用來提高花青素產能之參考。論文中歸納了參與花青素合成的重要酵素,詳述各個階段酵素參與反應的受質與產物,更表列了參與生化反應的物理、化學調控因子,也搜尋相關酵素的調控基因位點、結構基因位點,提供細胞分子層級的基因調控資料,提供進階研究之用。


This research proposes to study the physical,chemical and genetic factors that could affects the grape (Vitis vinifera) anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway by integrating various kinds of molecular biology database information and through literature reviewing .Furthermore ,the kinetic parameter and upstream regulatory proteins of the anthocyanin are predicted based on the sequence homology principle. The grape anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway is retrieved from the KEGG database .Other utilized databases such as NCBI,BRENDA and SABIO-RK are useful for the collection of kinetic parameters. Several physical and chemical factors that could possibly enhanced the anthocyanin production are identified .It is also found that the Myb and Myc protein families could be the upstream regulating proteins for certain enzymes involved in the pathways . These results could be a useful piece of information for the grape anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway further study.


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