  • 學位論文


Investigation on the culture of Chinese medicine herb in Nantou County

指導教授 : 劉湘川


南投縣中草藥栽培之調查研究 亞洲大學 生物資訊學系 碩士在職專班 陳 振 輝 摘要 南投縣天然地理環境,南投縣自平地到高山,擁有各類型氣候,涵括熱帶、暖帶、溫帶、寒帶等及雨量充沛,且具有各種不同類型之土壤,此多元的環境變化,為適合嘗試發展各種中草藥栽培之地區。 透過歷年來相關之研究發現,南投縣擁有豐富的中草藥資源,縣政府亦有意提升南投縣的農業競爭力與附加價值,鼓勵農民利用南投縣眾多之山區果園、農地來轉植栽種中草藥,故本區域中草藥栽培之開發現況值得進一步研究探討,遂進行本研究。 本研究目的在於調查南投縣中草藥之栽培現況。期望藉由調查研究結果能提供政府醫藥、研發、管理單位、學術界、產業界或民間中草藥研究相關團體作為參考,更積極的投入研究、推廣南投縣高經濟價值之中草藥。 本研究由資料蒐集、文獻考察,並透過實地走訪南投縣當地特用作物產銷班、農場及中草藥園,自95年10月至97年06月,共進行38次調查研究(僅含本文收錄單位)。記錄當地所種植的中草藥,並至現場拍攝中草藥照片,記錄當地這些中草藥的種植情形。歸納結果如下: 一、中草藥園以教育研究為目的,中草藥植栽大部分是種類多而量少,以試驗栽培為主,如:林業試驗所蓮華池分所、石榮通藥園、健元藥草植物園等;特用作物產銷班透過農會或行政院農委會農業試驗所之技術輔導及班員間相互交流,以達到量產該鄉鎮的高經濟價值中草藥為目的,如:埔里鎮聯福山藥產銷班、名間鄉山藥產銷班第一班、名間鄉山藥產銷班第二班、埔里鎮南村特用作物產銷班、魚池鄉農會特用作物產銷班等。各鄉鎮農場則結合休閒旅遊、地方特產,除栽植中草藥標本植株外,亦量產金線連、明日葉等高經濟價值中草藥,如:台一生態教育農園、林淵紀念農場、大雪山有機農場、豐年靈芝菇類生態農場。 二、南投縣高經濟價值之中草藥計有山藥、台灣金線連、明日葉、刺五加、大薊、筋骨草、食茱萸、石蓮花、靈芝、巴西磨菇等10種。農民從種植稻穀轉植上列中草藥以提高收益,栽培概況如下: (一)山藥:名間鄉及埔里鎮為最大產區,面積達258.2公頃。以塑膠穴管栽培法栽培,每年2-4月種植,9-10月收成,年產量每分地約3000-4000台斤。 (二)金線連:埔里鎮、魚池鄉為重要產區,產銷班種植面積達27.83公頃。以組織培養方式栽培,於夏、秋兩季收成,年收成1-2次,年產量每分地約500-600台斤乾重,市價每台斤約3000元。 (三)明日葉:埔里鎮、國姓鄉、魚池鄉為重要產區,種植面積約有30公頃,以種子繁殖法栽培,每年3-4月或9-11月可播種,明日葉之葉片隨時可採收,年產量每分地約3000-5000台斤乾重。 (四)刺五加:魚池鄉、埔里鎮為重要產區,以扦插方式栽培。每年清明節前栽植,9-10月收成,年產量每分地約500台斤。 (五)大薊:仁愛鄉、埔里鎮等皆有栽種,以種子繁殖或分株繁殖法栽培。於每年7-10月播種,栽後第二年夏秋收成。 (六)筋骨草:目前於竹山鎮石榮通藥園,種植面積約1000坪,以種子繁殖法栽培。開花期3-7月,結果期5-9月。春、夏、秋三季均可採集,年產量約7500台斤/1000坪。 (七)食茱萸:目前為埔里鎮地區相當著名的特色食材,以種子繁殖法栽培,四季皆可種植或收成。 (八)石蓮花:名間鄉、埔里鎮、鹿谷鄉等皆有栽種,以扦插方式栽培,於每年8-10月栽植最佳。 (九)靈芝:埔里鎮為重要產區,以太空包方式栽培,一年四季均可採收。 (十)巴西磨菇:名間鄉、草屯鎮、埔里鎮及魚池鄉為重要產區,以太空包方式栽培,一年四季均可採收。 三、依據林業試驗所蓮華池分所、石榮通藥園、健元藥草植物園等中草藥園主訪談結果顯示:園區考究各種中草藥栽培條件,南投縣擁有適合的栽培環境,目前為試驗栽培階段,應可嘗試擴大栽培、增加產量,批發或產地自銷,以供食用或作為醫療保健之中草藥,各園區陸續進行栽培試種,計有板藍根、山茱萸、土肉桂等66種中草藥,收錄於本論文,以供相關單位或研究人員參考。


南投縣 中草藥 栽培


Investigation on the culture of Chinese medicine herb in Nantou County Asian University of bioinformatics Master of the working class Cheng-Hui Chen Abstract Nantou County’s natural geography environment is from the plains to the mountains, with all types of weather, included the tropics, with warm temperate, the frigid zone, and abundant rainfall, and has a variety of different types of soil, this diverse environment changes, as appropriate to try to the development of Chinese herbal medicine cultivation of the region. Through related study found that over the years, Nantou County is rich in Chinese herbal medicine resources, the county government also intends to upgrade Nantou County's agricultural competitiveness and value-added, encourage farmers to use many of the mountain in Nantou County orchards, agricultural land to plant with kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, Therefore, development present situation this region Chinese medicine cultivation is worth further studying and discussion. Thus, did this study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine status in Nantou County . Hope that the survey findings by the Government to provide medicine, research and development, management unit, academia, industry or non-governmental organizations related to Chinese herbal medicine research as a reference, more active investment in research and promotion of high economic value of Chinese herbal medicine in Nantou County. This study by the qualifications to collect, study literature, and through field visits, Nantou County endemic crop production and marketing classes, farm and garden herbs, since October 95 to June 97, a total of 38 investigations and studies (units contain only paper record ). Recording by the local cultivation of herbs and Chinese herbal medicine, also took photos at the scene and local Chinese herbal medicine planting circumstances. Summarized as follows: First, Chinese herbal medicine to education and research park for the purpose of planting Chinese herbal medicine is the most variety and less, mainly on a trial cultivation, such as: Forestry Research Institute L. Branch, Rong Shi-drug Park, the herb garden-yuan; special use Agricultural crop production and marketing classes or through the Council of Agriculture Research Institute of technical guidance and mutual exchanges among members of classes in order to achieve volume production of the township's high economic value of Chinese herbal medicine for the purpose, such as: Puli Township of the Fushan drug production and marketing classes, were among the rural The timing of the first yam production and marketing classes, were among the second class township yam production and marketing classes, South special classes with crop production and marketing, fish pond Xiangnong will use special crop production and marketing classes. Township farm was the combination of leisure tourism, local specialty products, with the exception of Chinese herbs were planted plants, but also the production line even tomorrow contours of the economic value of Chinese herbal medicines, such as: an ecological education Taiwan agricultural park, Lin Yuan of the farms, Snowy Mountains Organic farms, the harvest of Ganoderma lucidum Gulei ecological farms. Second, Nantou County high economic value of Chinese herbal medicines are Dioscorea alata LINN., Anoectochilus formosanus HAYATA, Angelica keiskei (MIQ.) KOIDZ, Eleutherococcus senticosus (RUPER.et MAXIM.)MAXIM., Cirsium japonicum DC., Ajuga taiwanensis NAKAI ex MURATA. and Zanthozylum ailanthoides SIEB. & ZUCC., Crassulaceae raptopetalum paragwayese(N.E. BR.)E.walth., Ganoderma Lucidium (LEYSS. ex FR) KARSTEN, Agaricus blazei MURILL. about 10 kinds of mushrooms. Farmers from planting rice to plant the above herbs to enhance revenue, cultural profile is as follows: (1) Dioscorea alata LINN.: The name of the town of Puli Township and was the largest producing areas, an area of 258.2 hectares to the cultivation of green plastic cultivation, a year from February to April planting, 9-October harvest, each Building Members present annual output of about 3000-4000 catties. (2) Anoectochilus formosanus HAYATA.: to Puli Township, Yuchih Township for the important producing areas, production and marketing classes cultivation area of 27.83 hectares, with tissue culture cultivation methods, in the summer and autumn harvest, harvest, 1-2, the annual output Taiwan Building Members present about 500-600 catties dry weight, Mei Taijin market value of about $3,000 NT dollars. (3) Angelica keiskei (MIQ.) KOIDZ.: Puli Township, the name of the township, Yuchih Township for the important producing areas, the cultivation area of about 30 hectares, planting of seeds cultivation fan, or a year from March to April can be planted from September to November, leaves tomorrow Ready to harvest, each Building Members present annual output of about 3000-5000 catties dry weight. (4) Eleutherococcus senticosus (RUPER.et MAXIM.)MAXIM.: Yuchih Township, Puli Township is important producing areas, cutting way to cultivation. Planting a year before the Ching Ming Festival ,9-October harvest, each Building Members present annual output of about 500 catties. (5) Cirsium japonicum DC.: Caring Township, Puli Township, and so there are planted to plant seeds of prosperity or division of reproductive cultivation. The annual July to October planting, Zaihou summer harvest next year. (6) Ajuga taiwanensis NAKAI ex MURATA.: Currently in Chushan Township Rong Shi-drug Park, the cultivation area of about 1,000 level ground, seed multiplication of cultivation. Flowering period from March to July, the period from May to September. Spring, summer, autumn can be collected three quarters, Taiwan's annual production of about 7,500 catties. (7) Zanthozylum ailanthoides SIEB. & ZUCC.: currently Puli Township in a well-known characteristics of the ingredients to seed multiplication of cultivation, planting or harvest seasons can be. (8) Crassulaceae raptopetalum paragwayese(N.E. BR.)E.walth.: among the rural people, Puli Township, Lugu Township, and so there are planted in cutting cultivation methods, in the best planted from August to October each year. (9) Ganoderma Lucidium (LEYSS. ex FR) KARSTEN.: Puli Township is important producing areas, with space package cultivation methods, can be harvested all year round. (10) Agaricus blazei MURILL.: among the rural people, Tsaotun Township, Puli Township Yuchih Township and the importance of producing areas, with space package cultivation methods, can be harvested all year round. Third, according to Forestry Research Institute L. Branch, Rong Shi-drug Park, the herb garden-yuan of Chinese herbs, such as interviews showed that the main Park: Park sophisticated variety of herbs cultivation conditions, Nantou County with the environment suitable for cultivation, cultivation stage for the trial, Should be able to try to expand cultivation, increasing output and sales since the wholesale or origin, for food or medical care as a Chinese herbal medicine, the park have grown for cultivation, including Isatis indigotica FORTUNE.,Cornus officinalis SIEB et ZUCC.,Cinnamomoum osmophloeum KANEHIRA., and other 66 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, Included in this paper, the relevant units for reference or research staff.




