  • 學位論文


A study on the Integrated Marketing Communication of Leisure Farming Images Promotion : Case study of Che-Chung village

指導教授 : 蕭仁傑 湯幸芬


休閒農業形象是利用田園景觀、自然生態及環境資源,結合農林漁牧生產、農業經營活動、農村文化及農家生活所構成之三生一體形象。因近幾年來休閒農場數量快速成長,在產品特色不足、經營管理者自身缺乏專業能力,與業者紛紛學習仿效下,造成休閒農場同質性過高,而遊客無從獲得完整的旅遊訊息,所以本研究將藉由休閒農業形象與新型態之整合行銷傳播概念(廣告、公共關係、人員銷售、事件活動和促銷活動之整合),在農村地區具有知名度之時,藉由形象宣傳與推廣,建立所屬品牌形象,強化其競爭力,使休閒農業發展能有新的願景。 本論文以南投縣水里鄉車埕村為對象,應用整合行銷傳播(IMC)之概念,探討遊客休閒農業形象重視因素與整合行銷傳播(IMC)之關係,資料收集採封閉式問卷進行遊客隨機抽樣調查,而資料分析方法包含敘述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、集群分析、單因子變異數分析。 研究結果顯示: 1. 遊客對於「休閒農業形象重視程度」之看法,以農村生活與生產活動形象面較為重視。 2. 遊客對於「整合行銷傳播媒體接觸效果」之看法,以電視媒體、公共關係所帶來的旅遊意願效果較佳;反之,促銷的效果則較為不佳。 3. 不同休閒農業形象重視程度集群之遊客,分為「鄉村體驗型」、「走馬看花型」、「休閒放鬆型」、「專業玩家型」,對於整合行銷傳播旅遊意願效果(傳播媒體影響、旅遊業者影響、公共活動影響)因素構面上具有顯著差異。 4. 不同區隔集群遊客在人口統計具有顯著性差異存在。


Leisure farm is a business that that gives all tourists general ideas about traditional ways of lives in farming or fishing towns that are far away from the modern cities. It also allows every tourist to understand food production process that generate daily foods that are around everyone in those farming or fishing town in the most regional environment. This research report is to focus mainly on ways to improve tourists’ images on leisure farms by integrated marketing communication campaigns. After some market reputation have been built up, a leisure farm can strength its market power, which, in some way, can also transform leisure farm business into a new, improved tourist business. This research is done by randomly selected close-ended questionnaire on tourists through out different tourists in Che-Chung village. Ways of analyzing sampling result include reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminate analysis, , and one-way ANOVA .Those analyses conclude four facts: 1. Tourists tend to pay more attention on farmer active that they experience through out their trips when being asked on leisure farming images. 2. On integrated marketing communication campaign effects, tourists tend to gather more information on leisure farming from TV advertisement and Public Relation campaigns. Direct marketing campaigns do not work too well, on the other hand. 3. There are roughly four different types of tourists,「want to experience」,「just want to kill time」,「trying to relax and have a good time」and「professional tourists」, which are classified by their feeling on the importance of leisure farm traveling. 4. Integrated marketing communication campaigns make two major effects on tourists’ image recognizing and willingness of joining the tour. Those four groups each have significant differences on tourists’ image recognizing and willingness of joining the tour. The effects of tourists’ image recognizing include mass media advertisement, promotion by tourist business, and social image promoting activities. 5. There are significant differences on demographic tourist count for different clusters of tourists.


IMC leisure farming images


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