  • 學位論文


The Self-Assessed Health of Yogurt Milk Drinkers

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


優酪乳對健康有益,近年來台灣民眾亦漸漸將優酪乳當成休閒食品或健康食品。本研究旨在探討飲用優酪乳專業化程度與消費者健康之關係,本研究以SF-36台灣版問卷為測量工具探討飲用優酪乳專業化程度對受訪者健康的影響。2008年3月16日至4月15日間以便利抽樣方式對450位優酪乳飲用者進行問卷調查,回收400份,最後得385有效問卷進行資料分析,有效問卷率為85.5%,其結果如下: 一、優酪乳受訪者專業化程度分群 飲用優酪乳受訪者被評為初階最多(佔66.8%),22.1%受訪者被評為中階,8.3%被評為新手,2.9%受訪者被評為專業。 二、優酪乳受訪者性別、年齡與健康自評之關係 (一)男性受訪者整體健康狀況(GH)健康狀態高於女性。 (二)年齡越高女性受訪者身體功能(PF)越健康,年齡越低女性受訪者因情緒問題所引起的角色限制程度越不健康;54歲以下受訪者,女性受訪者年齡與整體健康(GH)呈現顯著差異且正相關。 (三)男性優酪乳受訪者年齡與八個健康自評值間無顯著差異。 三、所有優酪乳受訪者專業化程度與整體健康(GH)值呈現正相關,女性優酪乳受訪者專業化程度與活力狀況(VT)、整體健康(GH)呈現正相關。 四、「幫助消化」、「營養價值高」與「增強免疫力」為前三名優酪乳受訪者之飲用動機。 五、「糖分過多」、「保存期限較短」及「無適當的低溫保存環境」為前三名優酪乳受訪者之飲用阻礙。 依本研究結果,未來可更積極推廣飲用優酪乳活動,以增進國人身心之健康。


優酪乳 健康 SF-36 專業化


Yogurt milk is a good for people’s health. Taiwanese become to drink yogurt milk as leisure or health food. The objectives of this research were to realize the relationships between the specialization of yogurt milk drinkers and their self-assessed health by Short Form-36 (SF-36). Four hundred and fifty questionnaires were delivered to yogurt milk drinkers. Four hundred people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Three hundred and eighty-five valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 85.5 %. The surveys were conducted during the period of March 16 to April 15 2008. The results of this study were the followings: 1. Most surveyed yogurt milk drinkers were assessed as the primary level of specialization, the percentage was 66.8%, 22.1%, 8.3% and 2.9% of the surveyed ones were graded as the middle level, new and the highest level of specialization, separately. 2. The relationships between the specialization of yogurt milk drinkers and the self-assessed health (1)The general health (GH) value of male surveyed yogurt milk drinkers was higher than the females. (2)The older was the female surveyed one; the healthier was his physical functioning (PF). The younger was the female surveyed one, the less health was his role limitations due to emotional problems (RE). Under 54 years old, the female surveyed one’s age was positively related to her general health (GH). (3)There were no significant differences between male surveyed one’ ages and eight values of self-assessed health. 3. The relationships between the specialization of yogurt milk drinkers and eight values of self-assessed health. (1) All surveyed one’s general health (GH) was positively related to their specializations. (2) Female surveyed one’s vitality (VT) and general health (GH) were positively related to their specializations. 4. The yogurt milk drink’s motivations, to help digesting, to contain more nutrition, to increase immunization, were significantly related to surveyed one’s specializations. 5. The yogurt milk drink’s constraints, too much sugar, the short period of preserved time, no suitable environment for the low preserved temperature, were significantly related to surveyed one’s specializations. According to the results of this research, we can encourage people to drink more yogurt milk to improve their health.


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