  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Self-Assessed Health and The Specialization of the Middle and Old Age Wai Tan Kung Participants from Chang-Hua County,Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


摘要 台灣人口在高齡化與少子化的雙重進逼下,青壯人口大量萎縮將使扶養比提高而造成醫療資源吃緊的情況,在出生率無法短期攀升的現實下,提升老年人的健康無疑是減輕青壯人口負擔的最好方法。外丹功是一項溫和、低強度且能促進健康的運動,十分適合中老年人參與,綜觀國內有關「外丹功」的相關研究,多半專注在生理上的影響,故本研究以SF-36健康測量量表,從健康的八個面向來探討外丹功專業化對中老年人健康之關係。 本研究之目的在於以SF-36台灣版問卷為測量工具,來瞭解中老年人參與外丹功運動的專業化程度對其健康、參與動機、參與阻礙的影響,本研究於2008年3月起至4月間以便利抽樣方式對400位參與外丹功運動者進行問卷調查,共得351份有效問卷,有效回收率87.75 %,研究結果如下: 一、參與外丹功運動受訪者性別、年齡與健康自評關係 (一)參與外丹功運動受訪者性別與八個SF-36健康自評值無顯著差異。 (二)男性參與外丹功運動受訪者「年齡」與「活力狀況(VT)」有顯著性。 (三)女性參與外丹功運動受訪者「年齡」與八個SF-36健康自評值皆無顯著差異。 二、 參與外丹功運動受訪者專業化程度與健康自評值之相關性 (一) 參與外丹功運動受訪者專業化程度以中階的比例最高、其次依序為初階、專業,而以外丹功運動新手受訪者為最少。 (二) 所有受訪者之受訪者之「身體生理功能(PF)」、「因身體健康引起的角色限制(RP)」、「因情緒問題引起的角色限制(RE)」、「社會功能(SF)」、「身體疼痛(BP)」、「活力狀態(VT)」、「心理健康狀態(MH)」及和「整體健康(General Health,GH)」值與外丹功運動「專業化程度」呈現正相關。 (三) 所有參與外丹功運動受訪者與女性參與外丹功運動受訪者所得結果相似。 (四) 男性受訪者之「因身體健康引起的角色限制(RP)」、「因情緒問題引起的角色限制(RE)」、「活力狀態(VT)」、「心理健康狀態(MH)」及和「整體健康(GH)」與外丹功運動「專業化程度」呈現正相關。 三、 參與外丹功者運動受訪者專業化程度與「為了交朋友」參與動機有顯著差異。 四、 參與外丹功者運動受訪者專業化程度與「沒有多餘時間」與「本身體能無法負擔」有顯著差異。 因此,對相關業者及政府單位而言,透過本研究積極推廣外丹功運動,能為其在經營及管理上帶來效益,達到參與者健康及產業發展的雙贏作用。


ABSTRACT Taiwan becomes old age and less new born baby society. Young population should pay more money to support elders, especially more medical expenses. If the new born baby rate cannot be increased recently, to improve health is the best way to decrease young generation’s loading. Wai Tan Kung is a kind of gentle and low intense exercise. It is good for middle-age and old-age participants’ health. Short Form-36 (SF-36) is a form recognized by World Health Organization to access people’s health. To review the past Wai Tan Kung’s research, most studies focused on the physical impacts. There were few researches to use SF-36 as a tool to study Wai Tan Kung. The objectives of this research were to realize the relationships between the specialization of Wai Tan Kung participants and their self-assessed health by SF-36. Four hundred people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Three hundred fifty-one valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 87.75%. The surveys were conducted during the period of March to April 2008. The results of this study were the followings: 1. The relationship between gender and age of surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants and their self-assessed health (1) There were no significant difference between surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants’ gender and their self-assessed health. (2) The value of vitality (VT) was significantly related to surveyed male Wai Tan Kung participant’s ages. (3) There were no significant differences between surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants’ ages and their self-assessed health. 2. The relationship between the specialization of surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants and the self-assessed health. (1) Most surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants were assessed as the middle level of specialization, the primary level was 2nd high surveyed population, the highest level of specialization was 3rd high ones, new players were the fewest surveyed population. (2)The values of physical functioning(PF), role limitations due to physical health problems (RP), role limitations due to emotional problems (RE), social functioning (SF), bodily pain(BP), vitality (VT), mental health (MH), and general health (GH) were significantly positively related to surveyed one’s specializations. (3) The results of surveyed Wai Tan Kung participants were similar to females. (4) The values of role limitations due to physical health problems (RP), role limitations due to emotional problems (RE), vitality (VT), mental health (MH), and general health (GH) were significantly positively related to surveyed male one’s specializations. 3. The participant’s motivation, to make friends, was significantly related to surveyed Wai Tan Kung participant’s specializations. 4. The participant’s obstacles, not enough time and not affordable physical agility, were significantly related to surveyed Wai Tan Kung participant’s specializations. According to the results of this research, we can encourage people to play Wai Tan Kung to improve their health.


尤逸歆 (2004)。老化及休閒運動。大專體育,70期,160-164。


