  • 學位論文


The Leisure Implication of The Oversea Volunteer Travel in NPO

指導教授 : 林錫銓


NPO組織所提供給參與志工的協助包括:募集與補助經費、整合接納志工旅行的參與、規劃與訓練各類型海外志工、安排志工旅行地點以及協助修行等。這對於我原本所關切的「免錢主義」-貧窮或不富裕者也可海外旅遊的主張而言,似乎找到了部份的可能性。 這些參與者之所以投入海外志工行動,其主要動機包括有使命感、國際回饋、好奇心與宗教信仰等。而從訪談內容中,我也聽到他們曾經歷「最甜的睡眠」、「報恩的無限力量」、「垃圾變寶物」、「不停格的變換」等頗為深刻的過程體驗。受訪者表示,他們的生命意義因為海外志工旅行起了變化。在價值觀方面,他們覺得生命因而變得更加開閩、更懂得要讓自己活得更好活得更健康、更珍惜已經擁有的,以及更希望能成為他人的祝福;在生活態度和生活方式上也隨之起了變化,他們變得比較不會埋怨、生活變簡單了、更能務實地把握當下、更知道努力自我充實,以及更願意奉獻與分享。 至於,本研究所最想探求了解之海外志工旅行的休閒涵義,也從受訪者的體驗與敘說中,可歸納出「遊戲人間」、「生命再生」、「修心修行」、「深度學習」以及「活在當下」等幾項深度休閉的內涵。最後,本論文試著將NPO海外志工旅行與一般觀光旅遊作一比較。發現,二者在組織與團隊、個人條件、旅行動機、旅行收獲與休閒涵義等方面,均有相當大的不同。


NPO 志工旅行 免錢主義 深度休閒 慈濟


It's a dream for the author and many persons to travel around the world. But, money is always the biggest block for the people to realize this ideal. The initial motive of the study was to break through this barrier and enforced my initiation "Doctrine of out of money". Oversea volunteer travel in NPO is a possible way to realize the doctrine. Furthermore, The study wanted to explore the practices and leisure implication of it and compared it with the general sight-seeing travel. After researching into five NPO and ten volunteers, the study found that most of oversea volunteers are believers, doctors, nurses, students of medicial college or bosses of enterprises. The asistances that NPO organization provides for the oversea volunteer travel includes of funding the expenses of travel, coordinating participations of volunteers, planning and training different kinds of volunteers, arranging the traveling site and leading a pious life. This founding seems to prove some possibilities on realizing the "Doctrine of out of money ", that the poor could possibily travel around the world. The study also found that the motivity of oversea volunteers included of a sense of calling, the international feedback, the curiosity and the religious belief. During the process of oversea volunteer travel, they had ever gained several special experiences, like "the sweetest sleep", "the uni imni led strengths of gratitude", "trashes happening to be the treasure", "never stopping transformation". These experiences brought volunteers new values of lives. They became more open, more learned about lives and health, more careful about what he own now, more wishful to become other people's blessing than before. Also, their manners of ordinary lives had therefore changed. They became less to complain, easily to live a simple life, more practically to grasp nowadays, more actively to enrich oneself and more willingly to offer and share with others than before. From the processes of several interviews, the study concluded several deep leisure implications, which are "playing in the world", "the recreation of life", "cultivating oneself", "deeply studing" as well as "living nowadays ". Finally, the study found that there were many differences between oversea volunteer travel and general sight-seeing travel on organization and team, individual conditions, traveling motive, harvest of travel and leisure implications.


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