  • 學位論文


A preliminary study on the association between fish consumption and chronic disease risk among a sample of university workers in Taichung

指導教授 : 蒙美津


近年來,惡性腫瘤、腦血管疾病及心血管疾病是台灣的主要死因。魚類含有豐富的n-3脂肪酸,在眾多研究中皆被證實對慢性疾病有預防的功效,但是在台灣卻甚少有相關的研究,所以本初步研究之主要目的在於探討台灣居民的腰圍、BMI及體脂肪等慢性疾病危險因子與慢性疾病的可能相關性。 研究之初,先擬定一份包含當地飲食項目的飲食頻率問卷。有效之飲食頻率、身體質量指數 (BMI)、體脂肪及腰圍等資料的收集來自34位25~52歲之中部某大學教職員工 (17名男性及17名女性)。 分析結果發現,以BMI>27做為肥胖判定標準,29% 的男性及18% 的女性被視為肥胖。當以腰圍 (男性≥90公分;女性≥80公分) 做為肥胖判定標準,男性及女性的肥胖率各為82% 及35%。而依照中華民國肥胖學會所公佈之體脂肪判定標準,則男性及女性各有24% 及76% 被歸類為肥胖。BMI、體脂肪及腰圍值與各類食物以卡方檢定分析其關聯性的結果顯示,雖然大多數所列舉的食物種類皆與BMI、體脂肪及腰圍有關聯性,然而男性受訪者的BMI與沙丁魚、秋刀魚及醃漬食品沒有關聯性,而腰圍與內臟及燻烤食品也無關聯性;女性受訪者則只有腰圍與鮭魚無關聯性。以皮爾森相關積差分析魚類攝取與BMI、腰圍及體脂肪的相關性得知,男性的BMI與罐裝魚類有顯著的正相關性;體脂肪則與淡水魚類、淡水養殖魚類、沙丁魚、秋刀魚及鮭魚有顯著的正相關性;女性的BMI及腰圍皆與海水養殖魚類有顯著的正相關性。 綜合上述初步研究結果發現,多數男性受訪者有腹部肥胖的現象,而多數女性受訪者則有體脂肪過高的狀況,是值得正視的健康問題。不同的魚類攝取頻率對於體位測量的影響會因性別而異,推測其原因可能在於本初步研究之受訪者的魚類攝取頻率普遍較低,加上所攝取魚類偏向油炸的製備方式所致。


Cancer, heart disease and stroke are the major causes of death in Taiwan area in recent years. Many studies have suggested that fish and fish oil consumptions could reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Since few studies have examined the association of fish intake with chronic disease risk factors in Taiwan, the main object of this preliminary study was to explore the possible association of fish consumptions and chronic disease risk factors among a group of local workers. A food-frequency questionnaire consisting local food items was developed. Valid data on food-frequency, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and percent body fat (%BF) were collected from 17 female and 17 male workers, aged 25 to 52 years, of a university located in central Taiwan. Results indicated that 29% of the males and 18% of the females were in the obese weight category (BMI ³ 27), respectively. Using the WC to define obesity, there were 82% of the males with a WC greater than 90 cm and 35% of the females with a WC greater than 80 cm. With regard to %BF, 24% of the males and 76% of the females had the excessive %BF levels, respectively. Analysis of chi-square tests showed that the BMI and WC of the male subjects were not significantly correlated with the frequencies of sardine, saury, pickled food, organ meats and smoked food. The WC of the female subjects was not significantly correlated with the frequency of tuna. Pearson correlation analysis suggested that the male BMI was positively correlated to canned fishes and the male %BF was positively correlated to fresh water fishes, fresh water farmed fishes, sardine, saury and tuna. However, the female BMI and WC were positively correlated to ocean farmed fishes. In summary, most of the male subjects were central obese and most of the female subjects had high %BF. Various kinds of fish affected the male and female BMI, WC and %BF measures differently. It was possible due to the low fish consumptions and the preference of deep-fry fish of the study group


吳幸娟、章雅惠、方佳雯、潘文函。國民營養健康狀況變遷調查 1993-1996 台
高美丁、曾明淑、葉文婷、張英紹、潘文涵。國民營養健康狀況變遷調查 1993-1996
曾明淑、潘文函、葉文婷。國民營養健康狀況變遷調查 1993-1996台灣地區居民
