  • 學位論文


Functionality of the MNA for assessing the nutritional risk status of institutionalized elderly Taiwanese

指導教授 : 蔡仲弘


研究目的:研究簡易營養評估工具 (Mini Nutritional Assessment, MNA) 在台灣長期照護機構老人之適用性。 研究設計及方法:採立意取樣,以中部某養護中心住民共350人為研究對象。研究方法包括以問卷方式收集住民基本人口學及社會學背景資料,簡易營養評估量表所需之資料及個人的健康、活動機能及醫療使用情形等,及進行腰圍、上臂圍、小腿圍、血壓、血液生化指標之測量。資料經整理及入鍵之後,依其性質以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析(one-way)及皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s correlation)進行統計分析。 研究結果:本研究發現原始MNA有相當的準確性,可以用來評估台灣機構老人的營養狀態,但尚有改進空間。結果顯示此機構老人中23%為營養不良,有59%具潛在性營養不良,只有18%良好。以依「民國八十八年台灣地區中老身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」結果資料所導出的上臂圍及小腿圍第五個百分點之數值為依據所作修訂,顯著增強MNA量表之判別度及MNA總分與腰圍、上臂圍、小腿圍、Albumin、膽固醇、尿酸、住院天數及進食方式等各指標的相關性。原MNA量表或修訂後量表所判別之營養狀態皆能預測住民在六個月內的死亡率。被原MNA量表判別為營養不良者,其死亡率為12.7%,營養良好者,死亡率為1.8%。修訂後被判別為營養不良者其死亡率為11.3%,而營養良好者則降為0%。顯示修訂後MNA量表更適合台灣機構老人使用。 結論:在世界各國老年人口迅速成長之際,此修訂後MNA評估工具將有助於判別台灣或相同族群老人營養不良者,以便加以適當的介入來改進其營養及健康狀態,除可改善病人生活品質外,亦可節省醫療開支,使有限的資源能發揮最大的功效。


Objective: To assess the nutritional status of institutionalized Taiwanese elderly with the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and to determine whether the application of population-specific MAC and CC cutoff values can improve the functionality of the instrument. Design: Purposive sampling Setting: A long-term care facility with approximately 350 elderly residents in central Taiwan Participants: All residents who were 65 years or older and willing to participate. Measurements: A survey questionnaire covering sociodemographic variables, lifestyle and food pattern, measurements of anthropometrics and blood pressure, and a sampling of fast blood for laboratory assays. Results: The original MNA, without BMI data, predicted 23.1% and 58.8% of participants in a long-term care facility in Taiwan malnourished and at risk of malnutrition, respectively. Replacing the original MAC and CC cutoff values with population-specific values and adjusting the assigned scores of MAC and CC (to cover BMI scores) changed the predicted nutritional status in 16.2% of the participants. The modifications significantly increased the correlationship of the MNA scores with the anthropometric, biochemical and health status indicators of the elderly, suggesting an improvement in functionality of the instrument. Conclusion: The MNA can predict nutritional risk status in institutionalized elderly Taiwanese even without BMI data. However, whenever possible, population-specific anthropometric cutoff values should be applied to improve the functionality of the MNA.


Tsai A. C., Ho C. S., & Chang M. C. Population-specific anthropometric cutoff values improve the functionality of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) in Taiwanese Elderly. (not yet published)
