  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Hydrotherapy Treatment for Child Developmental Retardation from Patient Family Perspective Case Study: Miao-Li County Rehabilitation Center

指導教授 : 鄭文輝


本研究透過發展遲緩兒童的主要照顧者,以家屬的角度,來看接 受水療的發展遲緩兒童之心路歷程,並了解家屬自身的經驗,以及目 前接受水療的發展遲緩兒童之概況,期望於未來能對相同遭遇的家屬 有所幫助,以及提供醫療人員及相關政府單位寶貴的訊息,作為未來 改進的參考。研究方式採質性研究的半結構性訪談,研究者自擬半結 構式訪談的題目,訪談時間約為30 分鐘,共訪談11 位個案為研究樣 本。研究結果如下︰ 一. 家屬最初發現兒童異常的原因包括早產、行為異常、特殊疾病發 作。當診斷為發展遲緩兒童後,除了家屬心態上需學習接受外, 兒童的情緒、教育、行為肢體、語言以及經濟壓力,都是發展遲 緩兒童家庭接下來所需面臨的問題。 二. 家屬得知水療復健方式:醫師或治療師建議、口耳相傳、公開資 訊(展覽會、佈告欄、醫院簡介宣傳)。 三. 大部分家屬在決定讓發展遲緩兒童接受水療前,並無太多想法, 認為只要對發展遲緩兒童有幫助,且在經濟上能夠負擔,就算對 於水療的認知有限,有機會嘗試另一種不同的復健方式也是有益 的。 四. 在水療療程中,幾乎全部的發展遲緩兒童與其家屬,和治療師雙 方的溝通互動情形良好。 五. 大部分發展遲緩兒童剛開始接受水療時,會些微抗拒;但一段時 間後,這些發展遲緩兒童都很喜歡水療。 六. 大部分發展遲緩兒童在接受水療一段時間後,都有進步的趨勢, 身體狀況也較穩定。 七. 在水療療程中,家屬遇到的困難包括:水療硬體設施、水療費用 負擔重、水療時間壓力、水療未開放而影響發展遲緩兒童整體狀 況、家屬於水療時需陪同下水。 八. 家屬對於接受水療的發展遲緩兒童之期待,主要希望能追的上同 年齡小朋友,並且在未來能自力更生、獨立於社會上生存。 九. 目前接受水療的發展遲緩兒童就學狀況分為三種:學齡前-特殊 教育班、一般幼稚園;學齡-一般小學、一般小學附設啟仁班; 尚未就學-年齡未滿、延遲入學、罕見疾病。 十. 家屬對水療未來發展的建議包括:延長每天水療開放時間與全年 開放時間、有交通車能接送家屬與其發展遲緩兒童去做水療、水 療環境改善、水療費用免費、增加治療師人數。


In an effort to understand the significance of hydrotherapy treatment for developmental retardation child, this study evaluates the curative effect of hydrotherapy treatment based on a course of the treatment. The results are derived from various perspectives, including primary caregivers and family member. The outcome of the study can provide valuable insight and helpful information for medical professionals and government agencies as a focal point for further enhancement on the use of hydrotherapy treatment for child with developmental retardation. The study is conducted based on a 30 minute interview with patient family on each case and totally 11 cases are studies. Each interview is open-end form with semi-framed questions. Based on the response and observation throughout these interviews, we can draw many of key points as follows. 1. Based on initial assessment for each of every patient, it is observed that the main cause child developmental retardation may result from premature birth, abnormal behavior, and special disease break-out. After the patients being diagnosed as child developmental retardation, family members would immediately need face challenge ahead of them such as child emotion management, education, discipline, language, and financial burden. Additionally, it is psychologically important that family members would need to embrace the fact that their child has been diagnosed as developmental retardation. 2. Patient's family member generally gets the information on hydrotherapy treatment: based on doctor/physical therapist recommendation, heard from someone else, or public information such as workshop, seminar, bulletin board, or hospital brochure. 3. Before patient's family members decide to employ hydrotherapy treatment for their child, most of them don't have much idea about it. They, however, view hydrotherapy treatment as a beneficial and alternative remedy for child developmental retardation. It is noted that they embrace hydrotherapy treatment as long as the cost of the treatment does not impose much financial burden. 4. Through out the course of hydrotherapy treatment, most of cases good communication is observed among patient, physical therapist, and patient family. 5. In the early phase of hydrotherapy treatment, it is found that most of children show some form of resistance. They, however, quickly adapt it and later enjoy it when they get used to it. 6. After hydrotherapy treatment, most of children with developmental retardation show sign of improvement. In addition, their health tends to be stabilized. 7. Throughout the course of hydrotherapy treatment, it is noted that patient family face up a few challenge, which include the relentless cost of hydrotherapy treatment, the availability and quality of hydrotherapy treatment facility. Additionally, it is recognized that the above challenge generally impose the curative effect of hydrotherapy treatment. 8. Patient family has a great expectation on hydrotherapy treatment to bring the child with developmental retardation up to the learning pace as ordinary child. They anticipate these developmental retardation children eventually can be self-sustainable and live a normal life. 9. Currently, Three types of children under hydrotherapy treatment for developmental retardation can be categorized: before pre-school, pre-school, and elementary school. Before pre-school includes children under certain age, postponed for attending school. Preschool includes special education program and kindergartens. Elementary school includes special program for retarded student. 10. It is recommended by patient family that extending the daily office hour for hydrotherapy treatment as well as making available all the year around in the Rehabilitation Center, proving transportation for commute, improving facility environment, increasing the number manpower such therapists, as well as offer free charge for hydrotherapy treatment.


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