  • 學位論文


A Pilot Study on the Treatment Effect of Quantum Wave Resonance in Human Pain and Disorder

指導教授 : 王俊毅 廖重賓


疼痛是年長者身上常見的一個症狀,其中肌肉骨骼系統傷害所造成的關節疼痛更是普遍。長期忽略疼痛的話將會造成更進一步的傷害,例如活動功能降低及生活品質變差,甚至造成失能的現象。疼痛在某些退化性的疾病本身就是一個很難消失的症狀,所以相對而言症狀的控制便顯得相當重要。如何改善症狀,進而避免因疼痛造成功能上的退化及受限,這是一個相當值得探討的面向。 對於此,量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)手法沒有侵入性、簡單易學,在臨床上可以實際運用。且由物理治療實務經驗也得知,量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)手法確實對於改善一般性疼痛皆有明顯的效果。爰此,本研究是站在長期臨床經驗的基礎上,嘗試以安養機構住民疼痛改善情況的實證研究及物理與醫療儀器探討量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)的效應。所採用的儀器除傳統的神經傳導速度(nerve conduction velocity, NCV)檢測儀之外,尚有克里安照相(Kirlian photography)配合空間二維傅立葉轉換(2D spatial Fourier transform)以及微細能量分析儀(subtle energy analyzer, SEA)。 研究結果顯示在神經傳導速度檢查中,量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)手法介入後動作電位振幅出現明顯的變化。克里安照片在量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)介入後則是出現明顯的光暈變大的情形,經加強對比之二維傅立葉轉換的情形也出現一些規律性,而微細電流則出現AC訊號在量子波共振手法介入後振幅變大,經傅立葉轉換後60Hz訊號出現明顯變化。在安養機構住民的方面,量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)介入之後疼痛情況獲得減緩。在48位個案中,其中24位接受了量子波共振(quantum wave resonance)者有 14位的疼痛症狀獲得改善,10位則沒有差別。而對照組24位個案中,有13位的疼痛症狀獲得改善,11位則沒有差別。但是實驗組與對照組之間疼痛改善的情況在統計上並不顯著。


Pains are common symptoms among the elderly, especially those occurring at joints owing to musculoskeletal disorders. Negligence upon them for a period of time would most likely result in further aggravation on all fronts surrounding the sufferers, for example, the activity level would drop, life quality be jeopardized, and in some cases, patients even become disabled. At a very high rate, these pains are further associated with degenerative types of diseases, and thus are persistent and even harder to cope with. Therefore, it is essential to alleviate the pain suffering and at the same time to oppose such downgrading trend. To this end, the so-called “quantum wave resonance” (QWR) technique, being non-invasive and easy to acquire, has proven practical and effective clinically. This in particular goes with my experience in applying it to patients suffering general pains. Therefore, this research set out from such a long-term observation to attempt to secure the signature of QWR effects on both physical and medical equipments during its applications on elderly patients of a rehabilitation house. Other than the traditional nerve conduction velocity (NCV) device, the somewhat untraditional Kirlian photography together with the two-dimensional Fourier transform, and the subtle energy analyzer (SEA) were also adopted for such purposes. As a result, the NCV measurements indicated substantial enhancement of wave amplitude and phase change post the QWR application. Likewise, large broadening of Kirlian halos was evidenced on thumbs of both the QWR appliers and a patient right after the experiment. Two-dimensional Fourier transformation on these halo patterns further revealed unusual orderly features. The subtle energy analyzer (SEA), on the other hand, captured large, high speed swing on the voltage signals as soon as the QWR was applied by the practitioner healers. Subsequent Fourier transform further uncovered an increase of two-orders of magnitude at a mode around 60 Hz, as well as some frequency shifts, believed to be caused by the QWR action. A double-blind experiment was also launched in which 48 pains-suffering patients of the aforementioned rehabilitation house were divided into two groups. Among the group received QWR application, 14 responded with improvement, and 10 without. In the reference group, 13 claimed improved, while 11 felt the same. Therefore, by the current setting of samples, the significance in QWR effectiveness was not successfully revealed.


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