  • 學位論文


A research of the living arrangement for parents of medical personnel– case study of a regional hospital in Miao-li

指導教授 : 謝嫣娉


中文摘要 本研究採取立意取樣方式選出苗栗縣某地區型醫院的醫療人員,進行問卷調查,針對人口統計變項、親代互動現況與研究對象的長期照護認知與經驗評價等變項,進一步分析醫療人員對於親代居住安排及照顧方式的意向。本研究共發放350份問卷,實際回收之有效問卷為323份,回收率為92.3%。約八成以上為女性。未婚者佔五成七;職務別以護理人員為主。分析結果顯示:醫療人員與親代互動程度越高,選擇「與父母同住」者比例越高。而已婚的受訪者與親代的互動關係以及居住安排,均是以「自己父母」受到的關注較多。隨著父母身體健康狀況不佳,由子女直接照顧長輩的比例會相對降低,轉以選擇「由子女照顧為主,父母照顧為輔」與「僱請看護人員與子女來共同照顧」者佔相對多數。選擇「安排住入老人公寓或長期照護機構」的比例也隨之升高。而在經濟奉養層面,以選擇「一部分依靠子女、一部分來自他們自己的儲蓄與退休金」為大多數。在「長期照護觀念認知及評價」方面,醫療人員中有高達六成七以上是屬於低度認知族群,與其隸屬部門、工作年資有正向相關,並且與親代老年理想居住安排/照顧意願/經濟支持有部分之相關性存在。 關鍵字:居住安排,長期照護,醫療人員


Abstract This study used purposive sampling to pick out medical personnel in a regional hospital of Miao-Li County to undertake questionnaire, aim at variable of population statistics, family’s interaction condition and objects of study’s knowledge and experience to long-term care, further analysis the intention of medical personnel to living arrangement for parents and the care method. This research sent 350 questionnaires, and 323 effective questionnaires were reclaimed, the retrieved rate was 92.3%. In this study, almost 80% of objects were female, 57% were single and mainly of them were nurses. The result of analysis showed that the more medical personnel interacted with their parents, the higher rate they chose to live with their parents. Married objects took more care to their own parents on both of the fields of interaction with parental generation and living arrangement. As parents health become worse, the rate of senior taking care by children will be lower, “mainly taking care by children and complementary helping by parents” and ”hiring care worker to take them care with children” become majority. The rate of “arranging to live in elder apartment or send to long term care constitute” is also raised. On the aspect of economic support, most of the objects preferred to “partly depending on children, and partly depending on their own storage and retirement pay.”. On the concept and appraisement of long term care, more than 67% of medical officers belonged to low-cognition group, were positive related to the department they worked for and working seniority, and were partly related to parental generation ideal living arrangement / willingness of care / economic support. Keywords: living arrangement, long term care, medical personnel


