  • 學位論文


The study of the infant feeding practices of

指導教授 : 劉俊昌


世界衛生組織(WHO)及聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF )均強調母乳哺餵對嬰兒與母親的好處。母乳哺餵可使嬰兒健康的成長、免於過敏、預防腹瀉及下呼吸道感染等機會,並可促進母體產後子宮收縮、降低罹患乳癌的危險、產後身材恢復快。美國小兒科醫學會推薦於嬰兒出生後一年應採母乳哺餵。目前國內婦女哺育嬰兒的時間與方式,尚未確實被瞭解。本研究利用國民健康局「台灣地區第九次家庭與生育力調查」資料,以瞭解台灣地區已婚婦女哺育嬰兒之狀況,並探討其影響因素,作為訂定婦幼健康促進計畫之參考。該資料取自20-49 歲最近一次有活產之婦女,共2537 名。結果顯示受訪婦女中有49.6%曾用母乳哺育,依年齡分組,以20-24 歲組者盛行率最高(70%);就教育,以大專及研究所以上組者最高(66%)。沒有用母乳哺育者佔50.4%,母乳哺育持續時間不到1 個月者有83.3%,超過1 個月以上者佔16.7%,達到1 年者僅有0.4%。沒有以母乳哺育的主要原因為沒乳汁或乳汁不足或孩子吃不飽(38.5%)、母親生理因素(16.8%)、時間因素(15.3%)。完全 以母乳哺育者,只有28%,其他均在哺餵母乳期間有混餵牛奶或其他食物。在社會人口學方面,婦女教育程度越高,越有可能哺餵母乳,年齡組高之婦女比年齡組低者,用母乳哺育之可能性越低,採自然產之婦女,比非自然產者,用母乳哺育的可能性越大。另以未哺育母乳 者作為參考組,與哺育期間1 個月以內者、以及哺育期間1 個月以上者進一步比較後,發現婦女的年齡、教育程度及生產方式與母乳哺育之持續期間有密切相關。國內母乳哺育率仍低,且哺育母乳時間甚短,有待加強民眾教育與相關宣導,以提升母乳哺育率及持續時間, 增進婦幼健康。


Both WHO and UNICEF stress the benefit of breast feeding for mothers and infants. Breast milk may help babies to grow healthily, to avoid allergy, and to be protected from diarrhea and respiratory infections. On the other hand, breast feeding also benefits mothers by helping their uteruses shrink after delivery, reducing the risk of breast cancer and regaining their shape quickly. AAP also recommends mothers to breastfeed their babies during the babies’ first year. Currently, there is no concluded data available regarding how Taiwanese women feed their babies. Thus, this study is designed to understand the ways commonly used by Taiwanese women for feeding their babies and to investigate the influence factors. The results will be used as the references for laying down the women and children health enhancement plan. The data used in the study stems from “the 9th Family and Fertility Survey in Taiwan Area” published by the Bureau of Health Promotion. The survey investigated 2,537 women aged between 20 and 49 who are married and have live birth history. The results show that 49.6% of the women having a recent live birth in the survey breastfeed their babies. According to the age group, those who aged 20-24 are the group having highest rate in breast feeding (70%). In terms of education, those who hold a college or post-graduate degree are more likely to breastfeed their babies (66%). The rate of non-breastfeeding is 50.4%. Among those breastfeeding, the breastfeeding period of <1month, >=1 month and up to 1 year are 83.3%, 16.7% and 0.4%, respectively. The major reasons for not breast feeding their babies include no breast milk, insufficient breast milk or babies not being fully stuffed with breast milk (38.5%), followed by mother’s physiological factors (16.8%) and timing factors (15.3%). Only 28% of new mothers totally breastfeed their babies while the others add formula milk or other kinds of food to their breast milk during the breast feeding period. In respect of socio-demographics, higher education and younger age of mothers are both positively associated with breastfeeding. Additionally, having a nature birth is also positively correlated with breast feeding. Moreover, by grouping the mothers giving breastfeeding as the reference group to further compare those who giving one month of breast feeding and the ones having more than one month of breast feeding period, it is found that breast-feeding periods are closely associated with women’s ages, education and ways of childbirth. Our nation’s breast feeding rate is still relatively low. In order to promote maternal and child health, measures to increase breastfeeding rate is needed.




