  • 學位論文

以RE-AIM架構模式評價彰化縣糖尿病共同照護網之成效 以RE-AIM架構模式評價 彰化縣糖尿病共同照護網之成效

Using RE-AIM Model To Evaluate Diabetes Shared Care Program-A Case Study In Changhua County

指導教授 : 楊志良 陸玓玲


目的:利用RE-AIM架構針對將糖尿病共同照護網進行多面向系統性評價,以評價彰化縣共同照護網推動成效,做為糖尿病疾病管理、相關研究、改善措施及計畫評價方法之參考。 方法:本研究為次級資料分析,資料擷取自2005至2006年彰化縣糖尿病共同照護服務系統中參與全民健康保險糖尿病醫療給付改善方案之糖尿病患共4,722位,以描述性統計探討RE-AIM各項指標在不同醫療機構類型上之差異,並以羅吉斯回歸分析(logistic regression)檢測糖尿病患個人在接受一年照護後,糖化血色素(HbA1c)控制情形的影響因素。並且對彰化縣衛生所提供之照護方案,以羅吉斯回歸分析logistic regression檢測糖尿病患個人在接受一年照護後,糖化血色素(HbA1c)控制情形的影響因素。 結果 一、 目標族群涵蓋率(Reach):以區分醫療機構類型,診所的糖尿病患涵蓋率偏低(2005年:11.4%,2006年:13.6%)。 二、 介入效果(Effectiveness):本研究中控制不良組(HbA1c≧9.5%)醫院佔的比例最高(2005年:22.26%,2006年:27.93%),有顯著差異。因此以基層診所為主的共同照護,具醫療可近性之優勢且對糖尿病人的盡責度是可靠的。 三、 機構參與率(Adoption):診所參與的比例最低(2005年:4.2%,2006年:4.6%),而醫院參加的比例略低(2005年:35.1%,2006年:38.9%)。 四、 服務品質一致性(Implementation):盡責度總指標共有六項指標,醫院完成三項檢查比例最高(2005年:88.04%,2006年:61.79%),主要是由於腎病變檢查、眼睛檢查及足部檢查的盡責度完成度較低。 五、 持續性(Maintenance):在病患持續度方面,以衛生所的比例最高(84.5%)。機構照護持續性方面是以醫院的比例最高(100%)。 六、 從REAIM架構來整體分析彰化縣糖尿病給付改善方案可以發現,包裹式方案的照護對於糖尿病患成效較好,但因醫院及診所的機構參與率不高,導致對於彰化縣糖尿病病患的涵蓋率不高,整體族群效益下降。 七、 透過羅吉斯回歸分析彰化縣「全民健康保險糖尿病醫療給付改善方案」個人基本資料及其他介入相關因素與糖化血色素HbA1c控制情形發現,隨著年齡越高,控制在正常範圍內勝算比反而更高。盡責度中檢查項目完成的多寡與糖化血色素控制在正常範圍無關,可能是因為檢查項目大多與糖尿病合併症的篩檢相關。針對衛生所的不同糖尿病照護類型,透過羅吉斯回歸分析發現糖尿病給付改善方案比簡易照護將糖化血色素控制在正常範圍的比例較高,有顯著意義。 建議 一、 包裹式方案的照護對於糖尿病病患有一定的成效,但因醫院及診所參與率不高,導致對於目標族群涵蓋率不高,整體族群效益下降。因此未來首要努力目標應當是加強醫療院所的參與率,以提高目標族群的涵蓋率。 二、 資訊管理系統為品質監控主要的補助工具,建構一套完善及簡易的資訊系統,以方便進行資料的操作與查詢,方可提升品質監測與管理之效益。 三、 利用RE-AIM架構可以清楚地分析衛生政策的執行效果及人力資源影響性,因此可以推廣RE-AIM架構的使用性。


Purpose RE-AIM Model is used in multiple-dimensionally and systematically evaluated Diabetes Shared Care Program and the executive effect of this program in Changhua County. The result of this program is the reference information of Diabetes disease of the management, related research, the approach of improvement and, the approach to evaluate this program. Method The date of this study was gained from the database of 4,772 patients who had participated National Health Insurance Diabetes Mellitus Disease Management Program within Diabetes Shared Care Program in Changhua County during 2005 to 2006. Description Statistical Analysis was lead in the study of the difference in each of the dimensions of RE-AIM between kinds of medical organization. The effective factors of the Hemoglobin A1C of each diabetes case who be take care one year and Diabetes Shared Care Program be offered by Changhua Community Health Center were analyzed by logistic regression. Result 1. Reach: the percent of diabetes diseases who take medical treatment in clinic were lower among all kinds of medical organizations.(2005:11.4%,2006:13.6%)。 2. Effectiveness: In this study, Hospital account for 22.26% ( year of 2005 ) and 27.93%( year of 2006 ) in the Hemoglobin A1C poor control group(HbA1c≧9.5%). Thus, basic clinics regard as the center Shared Care Service had the advantage in medical accessibility and reliable care. 3. Adoption: clinics’ participant percent in this program among all kinds of medical organizations is the last(2005: 4.2%, 2006:4.6%), hospital just fewer less than Community Health Center. 4. Implementation: accountability have six indicators, but most of hospitals only perform three of six. The last three accomplishment indicators among six are kidney pathological inspection, eyes and foot exam. 5. Maintenance: Community Health Center possesses the highest percentage of patient maintenance. Hospital possesses the highest percentage of organization maintenance. 6. By analyzing Diabetes Mellitus Disease Management Program in Changhua County with RA-AIM Model, it can be found out that the care of Management Program is more efficient for diabetes patients. However, the participant percentage about hospital and clinic is low. It results that the percentage of diabetes patients is low and Population-wide Impact decreases. 7. By analyzing individual characteristic, other intervention factors and Hemoglobin A1C controlling of the program, which is entitled National Health Insurance Diabetes Mellitus Disease Management Program in Changhua County, with analysis of logistic regression, it indicated that age is positively relative to control of Hemoglobin A1C. The accomplishment ratio of exams in accountability and control.The accomplishment ratio of exams in accountability and control of Hemoglobin A1C have no relativity. Suggestion 1. It has certain result regarding diabetic patients of Diabetes Mellitus Disease Management Program, but because the hospital and the clinic participation rate is not well, causes the covering rate of target group is not good, the overall benefit drops. Therefore the most important diligently goal in future is strengthen healing institute's participation rate to enhance the covering rate of target group. 2. The information management system is the main tool supporting quality monitoring, to build a perfect and the simple information system easily to using and inquiry, only then promotes the quality monitor and the management benefit. 3. Analyze the healthy policy using the RE-AIM construction to carry out the effect of execution and human resources influential clearly, therefore maybe can promote the RE-AIM construction in use.




黃靖婷(2015)。矯正機關收容人納入全民健康保險 ─以RE-AIM架構為基礎之政策評估〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614042122
