  • 學位論文


The Effects of Early Health on The Elderly Health

指導教授 : 張明正 林惠生


本研究當在探討台灣地區 60歲以上老年人早期健康對老年健康包括自評健康狀況、罹患疾病情形、日常活動功能狀況 (ADLs)、身體活動功能狀況等之影響。 研究資料取自衛生署國民健康局於2003年辦理之台灣地區老人保健與生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列研究調查中之第五次追蹤調查資料。分析對象包括1989年原抽受訪樣本及1996年補充樣本但在2003年仍存活之60歲以上追蹤受訪樣本共3,084位個案。本研究中在控制基本社會人口學背景特徵變項後,分別以邏輯斯迴歸探討16歲以前健康狀況、16歲以前有無因為身體健康問題臥床一個月以上與老年自評健康狀況、罹患疾病情形、日常活動功能狀況 (ADLs)、身體活動功能狀況等之影響。 本研究發現:16歲以前自評健康狀況不好的受訪者到老年時亦 自評健康不好、罹患二種以上慢性疾病、身體活動功能有一種以上障礙的比例分別為16歲以前自評健康狀況,良好者的 2.184、1.732及1.208倍,且達到統計上之顯著差異;顯示16歲以前自評健康狀況不好者與老年時自評健康不好、罹患二種以上慢性疾病、身體活動功能有障礙呈正相關。 為更完整探討早期健康發展對與老年健康之影響,本研究建議未來研究應收集更多人生歷程中跟老年期健康可能有關之生物、心理、社會、環境及生活型態與健康行為等因素之資料,以利更深入了解早期健康對老人健康的影響,以做為未來研訂老年期之前推動健康促進計畫來促進老年期健康之參考依據。


Objectives of the study in this thesis is to investigate the effects of early health status in the life course on the statues of self-assessed health, having chronicle diseases, Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and physical function at old ages of the elderly aged 60 and above in the Taiwan area. Data used in this study were from the Fifth-Wave Followed-Up Survey ofthe Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan conducted by the Bureau of Health Promotion of the Department of Health in 2003. Totally 3,089 follow-up cases ofthe elderly aged 60 and over who were the original sample ofthe 1989 First-Wave Elderly Survey and the supplement sample of the 1996 Third-Wave Elderly Survey but survived and interviewed in the 2003 Fifth-Wave Elderly Survey. This study used logistic regression to investigate the effects ofboth the self-assessed health status and the experience of lying on bed for more than one month because of heath problem before age 16 on the statues of self-assessed health, having chronicle diseases, Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and physical function at old ages ofthe elderly aged 60 and above after controlling for their demographic and social background characteristics. Analytical results show that those interviewed elderly who reported poor health before age 16訂e 2.18, 1.73 and 1.20 respectively more likely to reported poor health, having two or more chronic diseases and having difficulty in perfonning one or more physical functions than those who reported good health. They are all statistical significance. Thus, this study concludes that one's early health status does have significant effects on one's health status at old ages including self-assessed health status, having two or more chronic diseases and having handicap in perfonning one or more physical function. In order to investigate more comprehensively of the effects of early health status in the life course on the health status at old ages ,this study suggests that more infonnation needed to collect including biological, psychological, social, environment and other health related factors that occurred in one's life course. This infonnation then can be liked to the health status at old ages. Research results of the study will have important implication for the design of health promotion programs at the early stage of one's life course to promote health at old ages.


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