  • 學位論文


The Impact of Raising Tobacco Health and Welfare Tax on Cigarette Consumption of Smokers –the Case Study of the University in the Middle Part of Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊坤鋒


本研究重點主要在於,探討當政府調漲健康福利捐是否抑制吸菸者之吸菸行為,例如吸菸量是否減少、香菸品牌是否改變。研究採問卷調查方式進行,並運用描述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法,進行研究結果描述與假設驗證。本研究因資源之限制,故以台中某大學為抽樣母體,了解吸菸行為之產生因素,並進一步驗證消費者是否因價格上漲而減少菸品消費。 經實證分析結果得知,影響吸菸者吸菸行為可分為「自我意識」「意志不堅」「耳濡目染」三項因素,其中以「自我意識」的認同程度最高;吸菸者菸品消費可分為「品牌導向型」「價格導向型」二項因素,其中以「品牌導向型」的認同程度最高。吸菸者之吸菸行為受到個人的性別、年齡因素等變項所影響,於認同程度有所不同的。而吸菸者菸品消費受到吸菸者特質變項所影響。


This purpose of this research is to study whether raising cigarette prices would suppress smokers’ crave or simply divert them to smoke cheaper brands. The study method is based on questionnaire handed out to habitual smokers. The results are analyzed and hypotheses verified with descriptive statistics, T-test, single factor variance studies. Due to the restriction of resources, a university in the Tai-Chung area is chosen as the sample to comprehend that causes of smoking behavior in order to correlate whether consumers would cut down smoking due to increase of cigarette prices. According to the results after analysis, smoker’s behaviors can be subdivided into three groups: self aware, fragile will, and social learning. Among the three groups, smokers belong to the self aware group is most identifiable with the brand they smoke. Furthermore, purchase of cigarette can be divided to price-leading and brand-leading. Smokers belong the brand-leading group are more likely to stay with the same brand despite increase of the cost. Smokers’ behaviors are influenced by factors such as sex, age, related differently to the brand of cigarette. Their loyalty to the brand also affected by the smokers’ characteristics.


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