  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research of Business Ethics and Moral Judgment for Students in Management School – A Case of An University in the middle Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳世良


在現代科技與經濟快速進步的社會,一切以績效為考量,但卻忽略了倫理教育,以致弊案連連。本研究透過了解管理學院學生的道德判斷程度,來解釋現今社會弊案的部分導因。也希望藉此提醒各界注重企業倫理的倡導。 由於國外提倡企業倫理行之有年,已經累積諸多經驗可供國內參考,因此本研究與美國明尼蘇達大學合作,引進其倫理發展研究中心(the Center for the Study of Ethical Development)所提供的界定問題測驗2(Defining Issues Test2, DIT2)量表。期盼能提供更客觀可信的數據,有助於此議題的探討。 本研究主要希望能了解現今管理學院學生的道德判斷程度,以及教育與性別的影響程度。因此選擇中部剛推行企業倫理教育於四年級學生之管理學院大學部,採樣其中一年級、三年級、四年級共80 位學生,填寫DIT2 問卷並把結果送交國外以變異數分析(ANOVA)以及與資料庫進行比對。 得到了以下的結果:在雙重比對下,管理學院學生的道德判斷在性別的部份沒有顯著的差異,至於教育部份則呈現高年級與低年級,無顯著差異的情形。顯示出企業倫理教育的成效尚未達到。探究原因,可能是學生的社會化不足,無法對複雜的道德判斷問題產生正確的反應,也可能是教學內容或時數仍不足以提升學生的企業倫理,諸多原因都值得深入探討。 在國內少數推行企業倫理的學校中,採樣學校推行企業倫理的成果雖然未臻理想,但仍可以給尚未推行企業倫理的學校借鏡,重視企業倫理教育此一學科。


In the modern society with rapid growing in technology and economy, all the concerns fell on the business performance, but the ethical education was ignored, and thus resulted in many fraudulent scandals. This research explained some of the signals for the modern social fraudulent scandals through understanding the level of moral judgment from the students in the management school. This research was trying to warn people from all fields to concern about the business ethics. The promotion of business ethics overseas were exercised for a long time, and had accumulated many experiences as reference for our nation, therefore this research cooperate with the University of Minnesota, USA, to lead in the Defining Issues Test2 (DIT2) provided by the Center for the Study of Ethical Development, and looking forward to provide more objective and reliable data for discussion of this issue. This research was mainly designed to understand the level of moral judgment for the students in the management school nowadays, and the influences from education and gender. Therefore, 80 students from the senior, junior and freshmen students in a management school in the middle Taiwan were selected to be samples, which the business ethics education was just promoted in the class of the senior students. After they filled out the DIT2 questionnaire, the results were sent abroad to conduct ANOVA and database comparison. The results were shown in the follows: there were no significant differences on gender variable for moral judgment of the students in the management school, as for the education variable also showed that there were no significant differences between the senior students and freshmen students, which showed that the effects of the business ethics education failed to realize. To delve into the reason, it might be the insufficient socialization of the students, and they thus failed to respond correctly to the complicated moral judgment problems, or another possibility would be the content or classes of teaching were still insufficient to elevate the students' business ethics, and these reasons were worthwhile to discuss deeply. In the very few schools promoting business ethics in our nation, though the sample school did not have a great outcome in promoting business ethics, it could also be as an initiator for other schools to emphasize the subject of business ethics.


王鳳生、蔡豐隆,(2003),企業倫理氣候、倫理行為與企業社會績效,「亞大經濟管理評論」,第六卷第二期;頁103-119司馬遷,性惡篇 勸學篇「 史記孟子荀卿列傳」。
