  • 學位論文


The Study of the residents’ satisfactions of the living environment quality in Taichung County and Taichung City, Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


科技進步,生活水準提高帶來環境污染,使生活環境品質日益低落。社會經濟進步快速的結果是人民生活所得提升,對生活品質的要求也不斷提高,都市化城市裡人民為健康而從事各種相關休閒活動。因此,如何與大自然共存及維護居住環境,儼然成為大家努力的目標。本校(亞洲大學)位於台中縣,而台中縣市共用一大台中生活圈,本人在校期間居住於學校附近,為了能進一步了解「居住縣市生活環境品質」,本研究係以問卷方式訪問居住台中縣市之高中職及大專院校學生對台中縣市生活環境品質滿意度。問卷調查期間為民國九十五年四至五月,取樣方法以便利抽樣法訪談居住於台中縣市之高中職及大學學生。共發出462 份問卷,有效問卷384 份,回收率83.12%。研究結果如下: 1. 受訪者對居住縣市「生活環境品質滿意度」之前三名排序分別為受訪者對居住縣市「行的便利性滿意度」、受訪者對居住縣市「親近大自然之機會滿意度」、及受訪者對居住縣市「氣候舒適度滿意度」。 2. 受訪者對居住縣市「生活環境品質不滿意度」之前三名排序分別受訪者對居住縣市「空氣品質滿意度」、受訪者對居住縣市「河川水質滿意度」、及受訪者對居住縣市「步行時之安全感滿意度」。 3. 台中縣市之實際空氣品質、主要河川及地下水水質、垃圾量、及氣候資料比全台其他地區或平均值幾乎都比較好。 4. 受訪者對居住縣市「一般環境品質滿意度」、受訪者對居住縣市「休閒環境品質滿意度」、受訪者對居住縣市「行的便利性滿意度」及受訪者對居住縣市「氣候滿意度」為受訪者對居住縣市「生活環境品質滿意度」的四個主要構面。 5. 在受訪者對居住縣市「一般環境品質滿意度」方面排序第一名是受訪者對居住縣市「環境清潔滿意度」,在受訪者對居住縣市「休閒環境品質滿意度」方面排序第一名是受訪者對居住縣市「行的便利性滿意度」,在受訪者對居住縣市「氣候滿意度」方面排序第一名是受訪者對居住縣市「氣候舒適度滿意度」,在受訪者對居住縣市「環境安全滿意度」方面排序第一名是受訪者對居住縣市「公共災害之身家安全感滿意度」。 6. 受訪者年齡與其對居住縣市「河川水質滿意度」、對居住縣市「行的便利性滿意度」、對居住縣市「日照強度與時數滿意度」、與對居住縣市「氣候舒適度滿意度」有顯著性差異,即具有關聯。 7. 受訪者教育程度與其對居住縣市「河川水質滿意度」、對居住縣市「環境清潔滿意度」、對居住縣市「綠地面積滿意度」、對居住縣市「親近大自然之機會滿意度」、對居住縣市「行的便利性滿意度」、對居住縣市「日照強度與時數滿意度」、對居住縣市「氣候舒適度滿意度」、對居住縣市「公共災害之身家安全感滿意度」、與居住縣市「住家之安全感滿意度」有顯著性差異,即具有關聯。 依研究結果,建議政府優先加強受訪者最不滿意項目,以便提升台中縣市生活環境品質,進而能增進台中縣市居民健康。並推廣大自然生態維護、改善生活環境污染問題、發展交通建設及公共災害防治的宣導,並鼓勵台中縣市居民主動參與地方之社區環保工作,可因此招募到更多當地居民協助導覽解說,誘導附近相關維護大自然產業發展,進而增加地方經濟來源,以便達到台中縣市生活環境與當地居民環境品質滿意度提升雙贏之局面。


Because of the progress of technology, the increasing of the living standard, which brings the pollution of the environment, decreases the living environment quality. The increasing of social economy causes the increasing of people’s income. People who live in urban area request higher quality of life to take various leisure activities to improve their health. However, how to coexist with Mother Nature and good living environments solemnly becomes people’s pursued target. My school (Asia University, Taiwan) is located in Taichung County; Taichung County and Taichung City are neighbors and generate as a metropolitan living space in the middle of Taiwan. I rent a room around the neighborhood of the school while I studied the master program. To further realize the living environment quality around the neighborhood, the research studied "the residents’ satisfactions of the living environment quality in Taichung County and Taichung City” by questionnaires. A convenience sampling method was jeopardized to this research, and the sampling time was from April to May 2006. The surveyed samples were students from Senior high schools, Vocational schools, colleges and universities. Three hundred and eighty-four valid questionnaires were collected from four hundred and sixty-two ones, and the responding rate was 83.12%. The results of this study were as followings: 1. The top three surveyed residents’ most satisfactions of the living environment quality in Taichung County and Taichung City were the residents’ satisfactions of the convenience of walking on the streets, the residents’ satisfactions of the opportunity of closing Mother Nature, and the residents’ satisfactions of the comfortable weather around their neighborhood. 2. The top three surveyed residents’ least satisfactions of the living environment quality were the residents’ satisfactions of air quality, the residents’ satisfactions of water quality of rivers, and the residents’ satisfactions of the safety of walking on the streets around their neighborhood. 3. The average of the monitoring data of air quality, water quality of rivers and groundwater, the weights of garbage, and weather in Taichung County and Taichung in 2005 and 2006 were better than the other cities or regions of Taiwan. 4.“The residents’ satisfactions of general environmental quality around their neighborhood”, “The residents’ satisfactions of leisure environmental quality around their neighborhood”, “The residents’ satisfactions of weather around their neighborhood”, and “The residents’ satisfactions of safety around their neighborhood” were the four main aspects of the surveyed residents’ satisfactions of the living environment quality. 5. The environmental hygiene was ranked as the top one of the residents’ satisfactions of general environmental quality around their neighborhood; the residents’ satisfactions of the continence of walking on the streets was ranked as the top one of the residents’ satisfactions of leisure environmental quality around their neighborhood; and the residents’ satisfactions of the comfortable weather was ranked as the top one of the residents’ satisfactions of weather around their neighborhood. 6. There were significant differences between the surveyed samples’ ages and the residents’ satisfactions of air quality, the convenience of walking on the streets, the degrees of Sunlight, and the comfortable of weather around their neighborhood. 7. There were significant differences between the surveyed samples’ education and the residents’ satisfactions of water quality of rivers, the environmental hygiene, the areas of green fields, the opportunity of closing Mother Nature, the convenience of walking on the streets, the degrees of Sunlight, and the comfortable of weather, the safety of the public disasters, the safety of walking on the streets around their neighborhood. According to the results of this research, the suggestions to the Government are as followings: 1. To improve the least satisfied items to increase the living environment quality in Taichung County and Taichung City; then, the residents' health can be promoted. 2. To promote the concepts of the maintenance of Mother Nature, to decrease the living environmental pollutions, to develop the transportation construction and the public disaster prevention. 3. To encourage the residents to participate the volunteer worker teams of the community environmental protection, to recruit more residents to be tour guides to educe ecotourism to increase local economy. If the Government can fulfill the suggestions of this research, it can improve the living environment quality and the residents’ satisfactions of the living environment quality in Taichung County and Taichung City to promote the residents’ health.




