  • 學位論文

以核心資源的觀點探討金融控股公司購併關鍵成功因素之研究 -個案分析

The Case Study of Key Success Factors from the Core Resources View for Mergers & Acquisitions of the Financial Holding Company

指導教授 : 歐仁和


西元2002年台灣正式加入世界貿易組織後,國內金融業者面臨國外金融業者以其優勢進入國內市場的衝擊,紛紛採取購併的策略,以期達到共同行銷、資訊與設備的共用、組成多樣化產品、降低營運成本,達到規模經濟之效益。然而如Galpin(2001)指出大約有75%的合併案最終會宣告失敗,因此金融控股公司所具備之資源以及其所扮演之角色,會使公司具備有不同的購併關鍵成功因素。 故本研究擬以核心資源的觀點來探討金融控股公司購併成功關鍵因素,分別採用質性研究中之深度訪談法以及個案研究,首先根據關鍵成功因素與核心資源之理論,以及金融控股公司現況分析,輔以個案公司訪談結果,確認金融控股公司之購併成功因素與核心資源。整合兩家個案公司之關鍵成功因素之結果,主要在於核心資源專長能力部份,特別在於企業組織專長能力。這顯示在購併的過程中,組織能力的發揮對於整體購併案的成功有較為顯著的影響力。


After Taiwan joining WTO in 2002,the domestic financial institutions had to face the challenges from other countries. Financial institutions can adopt M&A the subsidiaries in accordance with their goal of common marketing、information alternative manipulation and combined products to provide consumers with “one-stop-shop” service. But Galpin(2001)points out that probably 75% of the annexation incidents will declare fail finally. So resources which the financial holding company possesses will make the company have different the key success factors for M&A. The research is based on the key success factors from the core resources view for M&A. This study adapts case study and deep interviews to analyze practical proceeding. According to the theory of key successful factors and the core resources and the present situation analysis and interview result of financial holding company, make sure the key success factors and the core resources that financial holding company possess. The result of the successful factors of two cases lie in enterprises organize ability mainly . It shows that in the process of M&A, the development of the organization ability to the merger case is apparently the main influence.




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