  • 學位論文


Tourism service quality and customer satisfaction and behavior intention of tourism - as an example to the Penghu Tourism

指導教授 : 蘇文斌


隨著台灣的經濟進步,國人開始注重生活品質,而週休二日的實施,更使國人開始有規畫出遊的想法,當然除了旅遊的距離外,其旅遊的品質更是遊客所重視的。澎湖每年的觀光客大約有50萬人次,而吸引這些遊客到澎湖觀光的因素,除了澎湖擁有舒適的氣候、獨特的天然地質以及豐富的水上活動外,澎湖縣政府每年所舉辦的花火節或是一系列的觀光活動,更是吸引眾多遊客前往旅遊的目的之一。 故本研究主旨在探討國人前往澎湖旅遊,其遊客本身對旅遊意像的認知、及旅遊服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係,同時當旅遊品質滿足遊客時,遊客的行為意向,是否會再次願意到澎湖當地旅遊。本研究採用問卷調查法,主要以國人赴澎湖旅遊之遊客為對象,藉由遊客問卷調查,來分析當前澎湖旅遊品質市場「遊客滿意度」與「遊客行為意向」的主要因素,所收集的資料,作相關敘述性統計分析與迴歸分析,並建構一個包含「旅遊目的地意像」、「旅遊服務品質」對「顧客行為意圖」影響之關係模式。 根據研究結果發現,有五成(51.0%)的遊客是第一次造訪澎湖,前往澎湖的遊客以學生居多(66.9%),而高達八成(81.0%)的遊客主要前往澎湖的目的是觀光旅遊,且停留時間大多在2至3天(75.4%)。且由分析結果得知,本研究建立的旅遊目的地意象、旅遊服務品質與旅遊後行為意圖的分析均得到正向關係。故,本研究所提出的假說也因此得到證實。


With Taiwan's economic progress, people start on the quality of life, and the implementation of two-day weekend, so that more people have started planning trips ideas, of course, in addition to travel the distance, their travel is the quality of tourists seriously. Penghu of tourists each year about 500,000 people, and attract tourists to the Penghu Tourism factors, in addition to the Penghu has a comfortable climate, unique natural geological and a wealth of water activities, the Penghu County Government's annual festival organized by Huahuo or a series of tourism activities, is attracting many tourists to one of the purposes of tourism. In this study of people subject to Penghu tourism, the tourists themselves, as the Italian tourist awareness, tourism and the service quality and customer satisfaction, quality of tourism meet at the same time when the tourists, tourists of intent, it will once again willing to Penghu local tourism. This study used a questionnaire survey, mainly to Chinese tourists to the Penghu Tourism targeted, the survey by visitors to Penghu tourism quality analysis of the current market, 「visitor satisfaction」and 「visitor behavior intention」of the main factors, the information gathered For statistical analysis and narrative related to regression analysis, and includes building a 「tourist destinations like Italy」,「Quality Tourism Services」to 「customer behavior intention」of the affected models. Based on the findings found that 50% (51.0%) of the tourists is the first visit Penghu, the tourists went to Penghu to the majority of students (66.9%), while up to 80% (81.0%) of visitors to Penghu's main purpose is sightseeing And stay mostly in 2-3 days (75.4%). And by the results of that analysis, this study established tourist destination image, tourism service quality and tourism after the analysis of intent received positive relationship.Therefore, the institute has therefore proposed the hypothesis to be confirmed.


a. For periodicals
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