  • 學位論文


An empirical study of commercial performance for Nanotechnology products

指導教授 : 王俊賢


奈米科技是自1990年來眾所矚目的新興領域,許多專家與文獻同時指出,奈米技術將引起二十一世紀新工業革命。目前國內產、官、學界,正積極朝此領域發展研究,至今國內已研發多項奈米技術,並成功應用於生活用品之中。因此,衡量奈米科技產品商業化後的績效,有助於往後奈米技術研發的效率,且更能切合消費者的需求。鑒於過去文獻對新開發產品的績效衡量大多偏向財務的角度,忽略了顧客在新產品開發與技術商業化過程中,亦扮演著重要的角色。雖然財務面可以提供新產品開發效率之衡量,但衡量構面過份著重在財務部門績效,而忽略了滿足顧客需求;因此,本研究利用(Importance-performance Analysis;簡稱IPA)重要-表現程度分析法,透過實證調查方式,對使用過奈米科技產品之消費者進行問卷調查,建立奈米科技產品績效衡量之方法,以期改進過去文獻針對新開發產品績效衡量之缺失。IPA可以針對特定服務或產品的屬性,分析新產品是否符合顧客需求,也可有效收集顧客訊息,衡量奈米科技產品商業化後的績效;此外,IPA除可深入瞭解目前奈米產品之現況外,更可進一步分析目前消費者對於市場上奈米產品績效表現之認知;還可提供奈米產品之決策單位在後續奈米產品研發、生產決策之依據,以幫助奈米產品之企業經營者,發展並修正未來企業經營策略。研究結果發現,(1)多數消費者對於奈米技術已經擁有一定的基本概念;(2)目前廠商已商業化之奈米產品,尚未引起消費者購買使用意願,廠商應更積極了解消費者需求,並推出符合其需求之產品,才能使奈米產品商業化更為成功;(3)由驗證性因素分析發現「創新特質」及「產品屬性」皆會對消費者購買奈米產品產生影響,可反應出消費者對奈米產品的真實需求;(4)就消費者採用奈米產品創新特質或產品屬性之重視度,廠商所推出之奈米產品,未能有效使消費者感到滿意;(5)由IPA實證分析發現,廠商需針對奈米產品之可試用性及訂定產品之合理價格,視為未來改善之重點。


Nanotechnology is one of promising area since the mid-1990s. The implication of nanotechnology, as many experts and literatures pointed out, will result in the new industrial revolution of 21st century. At present, the Taiwan government, industries, and academic community were very zealous in research and development of nanotechnology. Up to now, many nanotechnologies have successfully developed and applied to daily commodities. Therefore, the performance measurement of commercialization nanotechnology products not only help efficiency of nanotechnology research and development, but also benefit to customer needs. The performance measurement of new product development focus on financial perspective in the previous literatures that neglect the role of customer during the new product development and technological commercialization processes. Since financial literatures can provide new product development efficiency measurement, they only emphases on financial performance rather than on satisfaction of consumer needs. Therefore, this study utilizes importance-performance analysis (IPA), empirical study, and consumer questionnaire survey to build nanotechnology product commercialization performance measurement approach to improve drawback of new product development. IPA approach enables us to analyze new product whether meet customer needs, but also collect customer information based on specific service or product attributes. In addition, IPA can also provide understanding of nanotechnology product development trend and analyze consumer cognition regarding commercialization nanotechnology product. The managers can utilize empirical results to make nanotechnology products R&D strategies and production decision. The research results show that (1) most consumers hold nanotechnology basic knowledge; (2) most commercialization nanotechnology product are not caused consumer to use and purchase intend, (3) confirmatory factor analysis found that the innovativeness characteristic and product attributes had great significant affect consumers purchase intend, (4) regarding consumer adopt innovativeness nanotechnology product and product attributes point of view, this study found that the present nanotechnology product can not satisfy consumer requirement, (5) in case of IPA results found that the probationary and determined the reasonable nanotechnology products is improving issues in the future.


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