  • 學位論文


The Positioning Strategy of Golf-field in Middle Taiwan

指導教授 : 李明榮


雖然國內高爾夫運動已日趨普及化,運動人口數不斷逐年增長,然增加的運動人口數並非均為高爾夫球場的消費客群。其次,同業間的降價競爭,使得球場每月營收大幅下滑。基於此,本研究遂擬以球場經營定位為主題,本文之研究方法應用定位策略(Positioning Strategies)理論就問卷結果進行分析,而分析方法則採用層級分析法(Analytucal Hicrarchy Process,AHP)。 為逹成上述目的,本文於中部地區擇取十一家較具代表性球場進行,分析並比較十一家球場經營定位之關鍵因素。依研究結果,發現中部地區十一家個案球場對於定位策略之實行都過於忽視市場定位而導致顧客群流失,所以國內高爾夫球場必須仿效國外球場對於經營高爾夫球場的定位策略的重視,以增加顧客群,使國內高爾夫球場不再只是打球的場所。專案問卷總計發放33份,回收33份,有效樣本33份。 研究結果發現: (1) 市場定位:服務人員的態度是球場管理者認為最重要的因素,球場服務人員應時時注意各方面的禮節問題。 (2) 品牌定位:服務人員的專業度慎為重視。 (3) 產品定位:管理者認為球場的品質必須面面俱到。


Although more and more people have paid more attention on doing exercise and golf has been getting popular in the domestic day by day, people attend on the golf courses do not increase. In addition, the competitions between the same businesses cause the earnings in each field has glided down largely each month. Therefore, this research would focus on the positioning management in the golf courses, and the questionnaires has designed by the theory of the positioning strategies and build the empirical model via Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The data used by this paper are from the field survey and analysis the key factors of the positioning management in eleven golf courses in middle Taiwan. The 33 sampling questionnaires have provided and effective samples are 33. As result, the eleven golf courses have ignored the strategy of the positioning in order to lose lots of customers. Therefore, the golf courses have to pay more attention on the positioning strategy as the golf courses in the foreign countries do to increase the customers. The results has gotten in this research as following: (1) Market positioning: the most important factor that the golf course managers have thought is personnel service; therefore, the personnel needs to pay more attention on the manners in various ways. (2) Brand positioning: service personnel’s specialty should take seriously. (3) Product positioning: the superintendents have thought the quality in the fields should be well considered in every detail.


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