  • 學位論文


Research Related to Campus Crisis Management- A Case Study of Universities and Colleges in the Central Region of Taiwan

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究之目的旨在瞭解中部地區大學院校校園危機管理情形(包括校園危機管理之認知程度、校園危機管理之概況及組織運作、校園危機事件之形成因素、校園危機事件之未來發展趨勢、校園危機管理所面臨的困難),基於上述研究目的,採問卷調查法,編製「中部地區大學院校園危機管理調查問卷」為研究工具,蒐集中部地區24所大學院校264位一級主管、二級主管、教師(不含行政)、行政人員之意見;本研究採用的統計方法包括次數分配、百分比與 t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析法(One-way ANOVA)等進行資料分析與處理。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查等結果與發現,獲致以下結論: 一、中部地區大學院校校園危機管理之認知程度重要性趨於高程度重視,大部分皆認同校園危機管理工作在校園的重要性。並認為校園危機管理工作是目前各校園工作運作中最重要的事項。 二、中部地區大學院校校園危機管理之組織運作上尚符合規定程度,本研究發現在中部地區各大學院校中,六成七之學校編訂有有校園危機(或緊急事件)管理計劃或管理手冊;但也近五成人員不了解校內危機管理小組成員編組情形。 三、本研究發現在中部地區各大學院校中仍有不到二成學校曾發生校園危機事件主因為未建立危機管理之機制,其餘超過八成學校皆有建立校園危機管理機制。近五成學校發生校園危機事件是因為相關人員不熟悉行政法令所引起。 四、中部地區大學院校約三成七以上在學校校園危機管理中,對於相關人員缺乏危機意識及警覺性上所困擾。超過六成學校在校園危機管理中,常因未能定期舉行危機管理研習及訓練所困擾。 伍、中部地區大學院校校園危機管理人員之性別差異程度不大,但男性認知程度高於女性、研究所以上學歷者在中部校園危機管理認知程度上高於大學及專科(含專科以下)、「6至10年之服務年資」在中部校園危機管理認知程度上最高、」。「服務學校類型」「私立 大學」認知程度高於「國立科技大學」、「國立大學」、「私立技術學院」、「私立科技大學」及「國立技術學院」。 根據研究結論,對教育行政機關、學校及未來研究提出建議,俾供 推動校園危機管理的參考。


The purpose of this study aims at understanding campus crisis management in universities and colleges of the central region(including an overview, cognition levels, organization operations, and difficulties of campus crisis management, as well as forming factors and development tendencies of campus critical incidents). Due to the research purposes mentioned above, we adopted the research method of questionnaire survey and devised “Campus Crisis Management Questionnaire in the Central Region” as a research tool. Opinions are collected from 264 senior executives, junior executives, faculty, and staff of 24 universities and colleges in the central region. This study adopted statistics methods like frequency distribution, percentage and t-test, single factor variation analysis (One-way ANOVA ) to analyze and process data. Based on literature review and results as well as findings of questionnaire survey, we obtain the following conclusions: 1. Universities and colleges in the central region have reached a high cognition level of campus crisis management. The majority of the schools recognized the importance of campus crisis management. Besides, campus crisis management is considered the most important among all current operations on campus. 2. Campus crisis management of universities and colleges in the central region is generally in accord with the requirement of regulations with respect to its organization operations. This study found that 67% of universities and colleges in the central region devised campus crisis (or emergency incidents) management projects or manuals. However, nearly 50% of the school personnel do not know who are in their campus crisis management team. 3. This study found that nearly 20% of universities and colleges in the central region had campus critical incidents before. The main reason is that those schools have not set up mechanisms of crisis management. More than 80% of universities and colleges in the central region have set up mechanisms of campus crisis management. Nearly 50% of schools had campus critical incidents because the relevant personnel were not familiar with administrative regulations. 4. More than 37% of universities and colleges in the central region are troubled by relevant personnel’s lack of crisis awareness and alertness. More than 60% of universities and colleges in the central region are frequently troubled by not being able to regularly hold crisis management symposia and training programs. 5. There is little gender difference with respect to campus crisis management personnel of universities and colleges in the central region. However, the male has higher cognition levels than the female. Those having master’s or higher degrees show higher cognition levels than those having bachelor and associate degrees (including degrees lower than associate degree). Those having “6-10 years of work experience” show the highest cognition level of campus crisis management in the central region. With respect to “school types”, “private universities” show higher cognition levels than “national universities of technology”, “national universities”, “private colleges of technology”, “private universities of technology”, and “national colleges of technology”. Based on the conclusion of this study, suggestions are provided for education administrators, schools, and researchers. The suggestions can serve as reference to the promotion of campus crisis management.


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