  • 學位論文


Case Study of Civilian Response to Enterprise Conducting LOHAS Plan- Taking the Bicycle-Riding Activity Held by Merida Industry Co.、Ltd at Sun Moon Lake as an Example

指導教授 : 陳朝鍵


本研究主要針對美利達自行車公司所舉辦之樂活計畫進行實地調查,探討企業實施樂活計畫對於企業形象、企業競爭力、顧客忠誠度及樂活態度進行分析。問卷發放之時間為2008 年4 月27 日,美利達自行車公司在日月潭舉辦環潭樂活活動,以立意抽樣的方式發放問卷,因考慮騎自行車是在自行車上的特性,故選在騎自行車開始及騎完自行車後的時間發放問卷;問卷內容以李克特五點量表來針對「企業形象」、「企業競爭力」、「顧客忠誠度」、「樂活態度」等四部分進行結果分析與檢定。 本研究採用SPSS統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析,有效問卷共 488份,問卷信度Cronbach's α值為0.917。 從受訪者的社經背景發現,民眾之性別以男性多於女性;受訪民眾年齡層的分佈結構以31至40歲為最多,其次是21-30歲;受訪民眾教育程度以大專最多,其次是高中(職);受訪民眾職業以工人居多,其次是服務業及軍公教人員;受訪民眾以已婚居多;受訪民眾收入以 4 – 6 萬元最多,其次是1-3萬元;受訪民眾居住的地區以中部地區(苗栗、台中、彰化、南投、雲林)的民眾為最多;受訪民眾最常去騎自行車的地區以中部地區(苗栗、台中、彰化、南投、雲林)縣市地區為最多;受訪民眾每個月平均騎自行車的次數以2-4次最多,其次為8 次以上;受訪民眾參加這次活動的同伴以朋友最多;其次是家人。受訪民眾每次參加自行車活動消費金額(新台幣)大約以400元以下最多,401-800元其次。 本研究結果顯示: 一、民眾對企業實施樂活計畫確實能提升企業形象、企業競爭力、顧客忠誠度。 二、參與活動民眾的樂活態度以從事消費活動時,會考慮環境責任,從事消費活動時,會考慮到自己與家人的健康兩項的平均數在4 以上,顯示參與活動之民眾高度重視環境。


樂活 創新 藍海策略


This research took on an actual on-site investigation aiming at Merida Industry Co.、Ltd which organized the LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) plan、to discuss and analyze its affects on enterprise image、enterprise competitiveness、customer loyalty and LOHAS attitude when an enterprise conducts a LOHAS plan. The distribution date of questionnaires was April 27、2008 when Merida Industry Co.、Ltd was organizing the Round-the-Lake LOHAS activity at Sun Moon Lake. The research was done through a purposive sampling method after considering that it was a special characteristic for riders riding on bicycles、and thus、was chosen to distribute the questioners at times when the riding started and when it had ended. The questionnaire contents were based on the five points of Likert scale to direct toward 「enterprise image」、「enterprise competitiveness」、customer loyalty」 and 「LOHAS attitude」、four parts to perform outcome analysis and examination. This research has adopted the SPSS statistics software to carry out descriptive statistics、reliability analysis and Independent Samples t-Test and One-Way ANOVA analysis. There were altogether 488 effective questionnaires and the Cronbach’s α questionnaire reliability value was 0.917. From civilians that I had interviewed、I have discovered that in the respect of interviewees』 social experience background on gender differences、male outnumbered the female; in the respect of interviewees』 age groups structural differences、the majority of them aged 31 to 40 and followed up by 21 to 30; in the respect of interviewees』 education levels、most of them came with university and college degrees and followed up by senior high school (vocational school) degrees; in the respect of interviewees』 occupational differences、the majority of them were workers and followed up by service industry、armed force and government employees; and the majority of interviewees were married; and most of them earned between $40,000 and $60,000 per month and followed up by between $10,000 and $30,000. In the respect of interviewees』 residing areas、most of them were residing at the central districts (Miaoli Taichung、Changhua、Nantou and Yunlin); in the respect of interviewees』 most favorite places to go riding、most of them preferred counties/cities at the central districts (Miaoli、Taichung、Changhua、Nantou and Yunlin); in the respect of monthly riding frequency、most of them rode 2-4 times and followed up by more than 8 times; and in the respect of interviewees』 partner/partners that accompanied them in that activity、most of them were friends and followed up family members. For those civilians that were interviewed、most of them spend approximately less than $400 and the next、by $401 to $800 every time they participate in a bicycle activity. The outcomes of the research indicate that: 1. Regarding on an enterprise organizing the LOHAS activity、the civilians affirm that it is capable to raise the enterprise image、enterprise competitiveness and customer loyalty. 2. Regarding on civilians』 LOHAS attitude while participating in an activity、they tend to consider the environmental responsibility while involving in consuming activity、and that the mean on both considerations of personal and family health matters is higher than 4. This indicates that while participating in an activity、the civilians pay a high respect to environment.


LOHAS innovative Blue Ocean Strategy


