  • 學位論文


A Research of Sports Stadiums Outsourcing Management in Taitung County – A Case of Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool

指導教授 : 李明榮


本研究之主要目的,在探討台東縣立游泳池委外經營管理之可行性,以作為 台東縣其他運動場館之未來委外經營管理模式的參考依據。 在政府財政拮据下,公立運動場館正面臨經費、人力不足與設備老舊的困 境,而考慮以「促進民間參與公共建設法」,將運動場館交由民間經營。在政府 大力推動下,至目前為止,已有不少成功之案例,但仍有相當多運動場館無法完 成委外經營招商,其間存在原因為何,實有加以比較分析之必要。 本研究主要以台東縣立游泳池委外經營管理之可行性為研究主題,透過促參 法、國民體育法、政府業務委託民間辦理作業手冊及行政院體育委員會、教育部、 地方政府有關法令的參考之後,並由文獻回顧歸納影響委外經營招商成功的可能 因素,先以訪談調查暸解台東縣立游泳池之基本設施現況、使用情形、營運及管 理情形,再以問卷調查,分析影響游泳池委外經營招商成功的關鍵因素,俾供台 東縣政府推動台東縣立游泳池委外經營管理的參考。 本研究具體分析結果,台東縣立游泳池委外經營招商成功的關鍵因素為爭取 優良廠商、整建游泳池基本設施、提升市場條件、慎選委外方式、放寬營運內容、 積極推動學生游泳教學等六項;才足以吸引廠商投資,以增加台東縣立游泳池委 外經營管理的可行性。


The main purpose of this research was to discuss the availability of management outsourcing for the Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool, to found a reference for other sports stadiums in Taitung County considering management outsourcing in the future. Under the situation of government financial embarrassment, the public stadiums were facing the difficult position of insufficient fund and employees, and the clapped-out equipments, thus they considered to outsource the stadiums to the private firms based on “Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects.” With the strong governmental promotion, there were several successful cases now, but still many stadiums failed to complete the management outsourcing, it’s necessary to analyze the reasons why they could not accomplish the outsourcing. This research mainly took the availability of management outsourcing for the Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool as research subject, after reviewing the regulations of Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects, National Physical Education Law, Government III operation outsourcing brochure, regulations from Sports Affair Council, Ministry of Education, and local government, this research conclude the possible factors affecting the successfulness of management outsourcing. The research conducted a survey to understand the basic equipments, using, operation and management of Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool first, then addressed a questionnaire survey to analyze the key factors of success, to provide a reference for Taitung County government in promotion of management outsourcing. According to the results, the key factors of successful management outsourcing conducted by the Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool were 6 factors of striving for good firms, repairing the basic equipment, improving market condition, carefully selecting outsourcing approach, relaxing the operation content and aggressively promoting swimming teaching for students; thus they could attract the investors, and enhance the availability of management outsourcing for the Taitung Municipal Swimming Pool.a




