  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Market Segmentation of Leisure Function Dress in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


隨著經濟全球化的發展,個人對衣物之需求已非全為保暖、遮蔽之效,社會地位之表徹及流行趨勢亦創造成衣之另一需求,市場提供以多元、流行、機能性為考量的服飾,以滿足各消費族群的需求,儼然已成為無法避免的核心主軸。2007 年可說是台灣坊織、成衣業延續發展的關鍵年,業者理應有效區隔市場,避免以井底之蛙的心態在低價市場廝殺。須跳出「紅海」思維模式,以「藍海」之姿大刀闊斧創造屬於自身的新局面。因應全球化與區域經濟發展之趨勢,未來我國坊織成衣業勢必朝向「產品差異化」、「產業全球化」及「品牌通路化」等方向邁進、發展, 據此,本研究目的在彙整與瞭解台灣地區坊織及休閒機能性市場概況與個案發展特性,及分析建構產業市場區隔變數、模式、特性,方以運用於個案公司與產業市場之產品和消費族群之市場區隔。依STP 目標行銷理念及本個案市場區隔之結果,釐清個案公司市場定位方向。據本研究結果,研議個案公司可行之行銷經營策略及建議。 本研究以個案公司於國內十二家門市專櫃為訪視據點,問巷以現場直接發放問巷方式對消費者進行一對一訪視,讓受訪者當場填寫回收,共計有效回收樣本數為825 份,樣本回收率為78 . 57 %。研究分析方法以敘述性統計、因素和信度分析、集群分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、區別分析,針對理論假設之區隔變項,包含生活型態、購買動機、消費行為、人口統計變數,先依生活型態為基礎進行集群區隔,並與各變項構面實施差異性考驗與交又分析、區別分析,瞭解探究各區隔變數特徹分佈情形。研究結果得知,市場區隔成員由四同質性群體組成,分別為「意識型態群」、「時尚價值群」、「理財精算群」、「運動休閒群」,而集群成員之區隔則受購買動機之三因素構面,依序為「多功機能導向」、「務實需求導向」、「品味展現導向」所影響。


A Case Study on the Market Segmentation of Leisure Function Dress in Taiwan Student: Chun-Chang Li Advisor: Prof. & Dr. Wan-Tran, Hung Department of Business Administration Asia University Abstract With the development of economic globalization, individual in demand of clothes about cold-proof and covered. Form of social status and fashion trend create another demand of ready-made clothe, the market offers diversification, popular, function as the dress, in order to satisfied the demand to every group, and have already became the unavoidable key. To deal with globalization and regional economic development, dress is tend to ¡§Product differentiation¡¨, ¡§Globalization¡¨, and ¡§Branding Taiwan¡¨ in the future. The purposes of this paper are to identify, via using the methods of the primary data and secondary data analysis, to understand the features of Leisure Function Dress market and company case, to understand and analyze the statistics variance, model, methods, characteristic of market segmentation, to evaluate and select the target marketing by using the process of market segmentation. Design the right strategies within the particular segments via the results of this paper. The data used by this paper are from the field survey based the consumers bought the products offered by 12 stores of the company case in Taiwan. The 1050 samples were sampling by randomly without adjustment, Only 825 samples used in this paper. Response Rate is 78.57%.This paper is to clarify the segmentation of the customers in the company case. This paper would build the empirical model via Descriptive Statistics, Factor analysis, Reliability and Validity analysis; cluster analysis, One-Way ANOVA, Chi-Square Test, and Discriminate analysis. The theory of segmentation hypothesis, include life style, purchase intention, consumer behavior, demography statistics variance. First, life style by using the process of market segmentation, and with each variance by using the process of ANOVA, Cross table, Discriminate analysis, to understand the characteristics of the customers segmentation. From the results, the segmentation of four homogeneity colonies, it is respectively for II


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