  • 學位論文


A Study on the Creative Marketing of Farmer Associations’ Winery at Xinyi Village, Nantou County

指導教授 : 陳朝建


由於時代的變遷,臺灣的傳統農業正面臨轉型的危機,許多傳統農業紛紛轉為休閒性農場或觀光果園,以期能抵檔在2002年加入WTO後的影響、煙酒公賣制度亦隨著加入WTO而結束、政府將開放民間釀酒,發展及輔導農村釀酒產業。本研究將採取個案調查的質性研究,三角研究法中有觀察法(Observational method)、文獻資料分析法(Documents method)、訪問法(Interviews method)。 (一) 觀察法(Observational method):英國社會學家C.A.Moser認為,觀察可稱為社會學中第一等的方法。由此可得知,觀察法是研究的基本方法,常用在探索性研究,優點為可以直接觀察到實地的現象以及行為的發生,或能得知不能從文獻上得知的資料。所謂觀察研究法指的是在自然情境下,根據既定的研究目的,對現象或個體的行為做有計劃與有系統的觀察,並依觀察紀錄,對現象或個體的行為做客觀性解釋的研究。本研究將採取實地觀察法,觀察信義鄉農會酒莊在農特產品上的製作過程,農特產品中心行銷手法,以及觀察其農特產品在各地的行銷通路等行銷策略。 (二) 文獻資料分析法(Documents method):利用歷史文獻或是國內外的相關研究書籍報告,包含碩、博士論文、期刊、報章雜誌的資料以作為研究之理論基礎。 (三) 訪問法(Interviews method):訪問法是對訊息提供者做有目的之交談行為,研究者可控制想要問的問題,對於問題可得到深入的了解,受訪者所作之回應若模糊不清,可即時獲得釐清,同時可獲得受訪者之其他肢體語言,然而訪問法卻有窺探他人隱私之缺點,訪問者的態度也會影響到受訪者回答的意願及答案,另外受訪者可能對於問題有所保留,不願回答真實答案。 本研究以南投縣信義鄉農會酒莊為研究對象,針對農會酒莊人員、信義鄉梅子產銷人員進行實地深入訪談,將所獲得資料,以「4P」及「SWOT」等分析法,分析歸納後提出有效的行銷策略,期望對台灣農村釀酒產業及酒莊永續經營有所助益。 研究結果發現信義鄉農會酒莊經營首要任務在於穫利,其次推廣當地文化給大眾,酒莊所面臨困境為內部人力不足,缺乏專業人才,無法有效掌握市場資訊。為了活化酒莊機能未來將園區規劃為旅遊中心,釀製年份酒、發展紀念商品,進軍大陸市場,朝向多元化市場發展。


農村酒莊 行銷策略


After Taiwan’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2002, its traditional agriculture sector now faces a transformation crisis brought about by the need to ensure the survival of its radically changed agricultural sector. To date, many traditional agricultural farms are being converted into leisure farms or tourist orchards to ensure the sector’s competitive edge. Likewise, the monopoly system on tobacco and liquor was brought to a close as a consequence of the country’s WTO membership. Moreover, the government will lift a long-standing ban on the operation of private breweries. To date, it is undertaking measures to develop the rural brewery industry. Driven by the need to study the fast-paced changes in Taiwan’s agricultural sector, this research employed the qualitative research method based on case studies. Specifically, it used the triangular research methodology that is comprised of observation, documents analysis, and interview. I. Observation: According to the English sociologist C.A. Moser, observation is the primary method used in sociological studies. Hence, it is the basic method for research which is often used in explorative studies. It has the advantage of observing phenomena and behaviors’ occurrence as they actually happen. Moreover, it can readily obtain information that cannot otherwise be acquired from the literature. In the so-called observational method, phenomena or individual behaviors are observed in a planned and systematic way in the natural scenario and are based on a pre-defined study target. Due to the manifest efficacy of this method, this study adopted the on-spot observational method as it examined the production of special agricultural products in Farmer Associations’ Winery at Xinyi Village, and the marketing techniques of the Special Agricultural Product Center. The same method was used to study their marketing channels and strategies in different places. II. Documents analysis: This method involves an examination of relevant historical literature, or domestic and overseas study books and report. These include master’s and doctorate dissertations, journals, newspapers, and magazines. The confluence of information obtained from these sources served as the theoretical basis for this study. III. Interview: The interview method requires that the researcher deliberately spend some time with the information provider in order to elicit relevant information. The researcher may control the questions to ask and thus obtain in-depth understanding of the answers to these questions. If the respondent gives an ambiguous response, the researcher can immediately seek clarification as well as observe the body language of the respondent. However, the method has some obvious disadvantages. For one, the respondent may feel that his/her privacy is being intruded upon. Moreover, his/her willingness to respond and his/her answer could be possibly influenced by the researcher’s attitudes. The respondent may also have some reservations on the question which would prevent him/her from giving truthful answers. This study chose Farmer Associations’ Winery in Xinyi Village, Nantou County as the research object. Along this line, in-depth site interviews were conducted with the winery’s various staff members. Interviews were also conducted with the plum production and marketing staff of Xinyi Village. The data were analyzed through the “4P” and “SWOT” methods in the hope of coming up with an effective marketing strategy. It is our goal that the results will help bring about a sustainable operation of the brewery and winery industries in rural Taiwan. Based on the study, we have found that profit making is the operating priority of Farmer Associations’ Winery in Xinyi Village. This is followed by their desire to promote the local culture to the public. However, the winery is currently facing a compounded problem due to insufficient workforce, a dearth of industry professionals, and the latent inability to effectively understand and gain advantage from available important market information. To revitalize its operations, the winery plans to undertake the following measures: turn the park into a tourist center, produce year-marked wine, develop souvenirs, gain access into the mainland market, and move towards a diversified market.




