  • 學位論文


The Effect Factors of House-Purchasing Decision

指導教授 : 蔡碩倉


在過去房地產市場的相關研究裡,已有許多關係脈絡相繼被學者探討,發現各種因素影響購屋者的決策模式。這些因素可歸內為幾項,包括外在的整體經濟環境、購屋者心理層面的涉入與認知、房地產本身的條件等等。 對於產品的知識、涉入以及品牌認知是房地產購置決策的重要因素,而三者之間是否存在特定的影響關係,可建構出購屋者的購買決策模式?此外,因為房地產的特性,購置者對於該建物的感受以及自身所感受到的風險確實也會影響決策結果。上述五個因素在過去已有不少的研究實證,本文將研究標的鎖定於房地產,試圖就購置者的角度切入,探討購買決策因素相互影響之關係。 關鍵字:產品知識、涉入、品牌認知


ABSTRACT In past real estate market correlation research, had many relational veins to discuss one after another by the scholar, discovered each kind of factor influence buys the room decision-making pattern. Regarding the product knowledge, fords into as well as the brand cognition is the real estate purchase decision-making important attribute, but three between whether has the specific influence relations, may construct buys the room purchase decision-making pattern? In addition, because of the real estate characteristic, the purchase the risk which as well as own feels regarding this building feeling truly also can affect the policy-making result. The above five factors had many research real diagnosis in the past, this article study the sign locking in the real estate, attempts to cut into on the purchase angle, relations discussion purchase decision-making factor mutual influence. Key words: The product knowledge, fords into, the brand cognition


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