  • 學位論文


Development of A Wireless Breath Sensor Network for Homecare

指導教授 : 黃秀園


本研究旨在研發一套呼吸音偵測系統,並且對量測訊號進行環境雜訊濾除。 在量測呼吸音的同時,必需考慮到周邊聲音-例如:人聲、空調系統運轉聲,經常是干擾的來源,所以嘗試使用濾波方式將雜訊濾除。在硬體部分架構包含了電容式麥克風、前置放大器以及濾波器。使用兩個通道同時輸入,一端擷取肺音訊號,另一端為周圍雜訊訊號作為參考訊號。 有鑑於台灣人口結構趨向高齡化現象,老年人口逐年增加的社會中,老年人口的照顧遂變成社會中的重要課題。對居家老人而言,定期往返醫療院所做例行檢查,不但是老年人口的一種負擔,更造成了社會上成本的增加,因此建置一居家照護無線呼吸感測器,利用呼吸感測元件結合微控制器,建構一套兼具輕便可攜、成本低、並可長時間使用在居家照護之無線呼吸感測器,並結合無線傳輸設備以及現有的無線傳輸及網際網路技術,一方面可即時通報社區管理中心,利用語音系統與受照護者做緊急連繫,而另一方面可以追蹤及回報前端檢測電路收集之呼吸信號,透過網際網路傳至社區醫院資料庫儲存,受照護者也可透過視訊及語音與社區醫生做一簡易遠端建構一個人化生理感測系統之環境,使得銀髮族的健康得以受到重視以及照顧,也令其在外工作子女安心。


This paper describes the design and development of a breathing sounds monitor that with the function of filtering environmental noise. Because there are some noise sources such as voice and air-conditioner that would interfere with breathing sounds while measuring. We try to filter out some of the noise by integrating capacitance microphone, pre-amplifier and filter into the hardware. In addition, two input channels are designed, one for picking up the lung sound, another for picking up the environmental noise as reference. Our purpose is to design a wearable, low costs, and long life time wireless breathing sensor network for homecare application by the integration of breathing sensor and micro-controller together with wireless area network due to the increasing population of elderly people. Therefore, we can not only instantly report the home accident to community control center through VoIP voice system, but also to track and report the collected breathing signal to hospital for data storage through the internet. On the other hand, elderly people can have video/voice integrated communication with doctor through this personalized bio-sensing network for better care and let his(or her) families who work outside cease their worry.


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