  • 學位論文


Studies on Computer Analysis of Questionnaire Structure and Test Structure

指導教授 : 劉湘川


本研究的目的在於研發一套系統,針對問卷題目或試卷題目,找出各試題間的關聯性,改善竹谷誠於1987年代提出的問題關聯順序係數理論,其中等級計分與對稱計分需用二個公式分開獨立計算。本研究適用於選項等數之兩種同型計分態度問題之任一種,且適用於選項等數時混合型計分態度問題,及選項不等數之其他同型或混合型計分態度問題。本研究配合答對率的分析,亦即利用圖形理論(graph theory)中的階層有向圖(hierarchical digraph),來描述各試題之前後順序。 本研究以自行設計問卷題目及試卷題目之電腦線上測驗,記錄學生實際作答狀況後,配合MATLAB完成的二個公式及答對率的分析加以繪製關聯圖。公式分別為:1.劉湘川:「一階廣義問題關聯順序係數」、2.劉湘川、楊志良:「改進一階廣義問題關聯順序係數」。線上測驗由高職二年級學生針對程式語言課程完成教師教學評鑑問卷及國小一年級學生完成試卷題目測驗。除了用合理性來判斷一階及改進一階廣義問題關聯順序係數找出之關聯外,在試卷方面亦配合專家知識結構來判斷學生產生的關聯跟專家結構的關聯差異。 本研究結論:廣義及改進廣義問題關聯順序係數針對不同類型的試題混合於問卷或試卷中,皆可用該公式找出各試題間之關聯,而就合理性及跟專家知識結構比較後,改進一階廣義問題關聯順序係數,優於一階廣義問題關聯順序係數。建議其他領域的問卷或學科測驗亦可用本研究的方法找出各題目之關聯圖,而配合圖形理論中的階層有向圖,教師可以將腦中片斷、抽象化的組織要素順序,轉變成具體化全面的關聯構造階層圖,從圖中教師便可以很容易掌握該單元組織要素的前後次序關係,可作為教學準備的重要依據,亦可作為實施形成性評量之依據。


This research is focused on developing a computerized system for analyzing the questionnaire and test items, and finding the relationship between items. This system improves Takeya’s index of ordering coefficient in 1987 which is scored polytomously, and the formulae of grade scoring and symmetrical score is separated, and cooperates with correct ratio analytic approach, utilized hierarchical digraph of graph theory to describe order of all the items. A self-designed computer on-line examination of questionnaire and test items is designed in this research. The purpose is to record students’ real answers, cooperates with two formulae and correct ratio analytic approaches finished by MATLAB to draw related graph. Students who joined the tests are grade 2 in vocational school to finish questionnaire items and grade 1 in elementary school to finish test items. We use rationality to judge the relationship of generalized index of order coefficient and improved generalized index of order coefficient, in test; we cooperate with the knowledge structure of experts to find the difference between students’ structure and experts’ structure. After comparing with rationality and the structure of experts, we find improved generalized index of ordering coefficient is better than generalized index of ordering coefficient . We suggest the courses of other field can also use the method of this research to find the relationship of questions. When cooperating with directed graph, teachers can change phase、abstract organization in their brains to specific related graph. They can easily understand the organization and the order of the course, and they can prepare teaching and formative evaluation in accordance with related graph.


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