  • 學位論文


Monitoring and Protection of Intelligence-Based Clinical Ward Activities by Non-Contact Sensing Technologies

指導教授 : 陳士農


醫療,以資訊工程技術,利用電腦、網際網路與無線傳輸技術在醫療服務支援作業方面機構是照顧人類生命與健康的組織,其主要功能包括衛教預防、疾病診斷、和緩身、病心靈病痛、治療與延長生命等。在現今社會越來越注重健康生活,如何更有效的照顧老人患是人們不斷追求的目標。本研究開發出一套整合型系統用於輔助傳統的醫療流程,提昇醫院作業效率與醫療服務品質。 本研究利用非接觸式感應技術,以病患為中心,做智慧型醫院病房內各種活動之自動化監測與防護,用以提昇醫療服務品質。本研究整合既有的洗手間出入偵測、病床周圍事件偵測、病房內事件偵測、語音自動控制、視訊自動控制、多攝影機環境安全監控系統等技術,再加入吃藥、打針、點滴含量偵測與例行性檢查提醒服務等病房資訊系統,使整個系統更加完善。


Medical treatment institute is of the organization that attends to the human life and health, and its primary function includes hygiene education and prevent, disease diagnosis, alleviation of pain physically and mentally, and treatment for lengthening the human life. In our society today that has given greater and greater attention to healthy life, how we can more effective care for the senile and patient has become the objective that mankind is constantly after for. This study developed an integrated system to assist traditional medical treatment process, using the information technology, computer, Internet, and wireless transmission technology in the supporting business of medical treatment service to further improve the operation efficiency and service quality of medical treatment of hospitals. This study used non-contact sensing technology centered with patient, and renders various kinds of monitoring and protection in the intelligence-based clinical ward to enhance the service quality of medical treatment. As a whole, the system would integrate existing detection for incoming and outgoing of bathroom, event detection in the neighborhood hospital bed, event detection in the clinical ward, automatic control of speech, automatic control of human eye, and multi-camera surveillance system. Furthermore, it would also add drug-taking, injection, detection of content of intravenous drip, and regular reminding service to make the entire system more comprehensive.


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